First visit to Birmingham QE to meet the consultant who was lovely. She is putting him forward for the assessment but did say that he needs to build his muscle mass up big time. Also his age may go against him so with that being the only thing we can’t change Kev has decided he wants to join a gym. Just need to sort a plan to do this but I have no idea which isn’t surprising 😂. Well here goes we will fight to the bitter end💪🏼💪🏼.
Well here we are and off we go. - British Liver Trust
Well here we are and off we go.

My hubby got put on n/g feeding midway through his transplant assessment as he hadn't gained enough ground just being on supplement drinks from seeing dietician in December - he's tolerating it ok and it helps get nutrients and food in overnight and he can still eat during the day too although his appetite has dropped off the scale. He also saw transplant unit physiotherapist who has put him on some exercises to do on alternate days - some basic standing and sitting from a chair (without using hands), bicep curls with small weights, another exercise lifting weights above head and a bridge exercise to strengthen abdominal muscles plus walking whenever he can. No major gym work needed.
Carbs, protein - little and often.
Best wishes for assessment when it comes.
Hi,When my husband was previously at this point, he'd just recovered from a big bleed and we were sheilding due to the pandemic - we found an online physiotherapist, he used to do over zoom in our lounge 1xweek, and it did actually work - those initial steps to build up strength.
thank you for the info. I’ll look into that xx
Hi, Birmingham are fantastic and he will be in good hands. My husband was 63 when he had his transplant there last May. He had been really ill for some time, was holding a lot of water all over and had little muscle mass, his weight had increased to 18st. A gym was out of the question as He was exhausted all the time. We bought an exercise bike and some small hand weights which he used a few times every day and walked most nights around our local supermarket when it was quieter. It really helped him to build some much needed strength before his op. We also had the good luck to go on a research program with Exalt team at QE. They pushed him just enough and gave him confidence in what he was doing and helped a lot. If you can get with them you won’t regret it. Good luck x
is that the training plan that they put people on. Thank you for replying xx