I’ve been advised that I need a cholecystectomy due to a polyp (9 x 6.5 mm). I have cirrhosis, but am fully compensated. I have been told that this operation can be very dangerous for someone with cirrhosis. Any help or advice please?
cholecystectomy and cirrhosis - British Liver Trust
cholecystectomy and cirrhosis
Hi Turvy, I was in the very same situation as yourself two years ago. Like yourself, I was warof dangers but really ,it was more of a case of the hospital covering their backs. I was warned that, in case, a high dependency bed is held for four hours as a "just in case". On the day of op, they just checked my bloods pre op and also checked the blood clotting factor of my blood. I was admitted at 9am, op at 11, then I was back on the ward at eventime and I was discharged the very next morning.. I had no problems as I was compensated.
Hi. I am in a similar situation. My Cholesystectomy is planned for the end of February. Because of the ongoing Portal Hypertension, the surgeon is worried about uncontrollable bleeding during the operation. In getting this far, I have recently had up to date US, MRI, CT, Fibroscan and bloods, all to give the surgeon as much information as possible. After the operation, I've been told I'll be in an EPOC ward just to give some extra post-operative care to lesson the risk of slipping back into decompensated.
Hope your journey goes really well.
Hi, I had a “ semi elective “ laprascopic gallbladder removal almost 3 months ago .
I too have compensated cirrhosis and oesophageal varices .
I have had sub acute cholecystitis for a year with several admissions .my local hospital not happy to get involved with surgery so Nov. 22 was referred to specialist centre 30 miles away .
I was admitted acutely and eventually bed became available in specialist unit after 6 weeks of being an inpatient I had the surgery I needed .
I made an uneventful recovery on the ward and was discharged home 3 days post op requiring no surgical follow up .
I have not looked back since ,
Good luck , wishing you a speedy recovery when your turn comes