I would like to thank all the people who replied the variety of experiences made me do more research and I found that Carvedilol and omeprazole are just as effective as banding, however I will ask for a further Gastroscopy in a year or two. As I’ve had a serious bleed before probably over reacted. Once again thank you all very much for your comments. All the best.
varices: I would like to thank all the... - British Liver Trust

Hi oap74 omeprazole and Carvedilol will only help after you have had the varices banded , please don’t take Varices lightly they must be sorted. Best wishes
Stay safe All
Dogbot 🐶🌈Dave
Don't leave it too long before another endoscopy, I was taking propanolol and omeprazole and still had a massive bleed ending up in icu, I had been going for endoscopy every 6 months but the bleed came completely out of the blue.Take care
Hilary x
So did my first bleed it was also very expensive new carpets in bedroom and hall redecoration of bedroom. It’s a tough one you have to trust the consultants, as you trust the mechanics who service your car. But I will push for follow up gastroscopes. Again and again I say what a fantastic forum this is, thanks. All the best.
I have varices and I’ve had 5 bands in the past, they put me Carvidol but it made me all fuzzy so they changed it to propanol it’s important you take it as it lowers your portol hypention (the pressure of blood running through the liver and veins. It you don’t take it you are at risk of veins breaking down and that’s why you bleed. The banding will get those viens Likely to collapse, anyway I wish you well keep going