celebrating 1 year sober today! It hasn’t been a cakewalk, that’s for sure! A year ago I had a MELD score (US) of 38. By June it was a 6. November still 6. I attribute it to following dr’s orders, all natural diet and lots of love and patience from my husband and caregiver (former drinking partner) and a few close friends. Easy part: following medical advice. Hard part: feeling isolated and missing our former lifestyle. Is it worth it? Yes.
there is hope! : celebrating 1 year... - British Liver Trust
there is hope!

so happy for you.... Feels good to see things like this 😊
Well done..You should be proud of yourself, not an easy task at all,I fully understand that one!!!
My best. Chris
well done i just done a year myself i feel great every day waking up fresh better than any drink well done
Thankyou for putting this post on. Most days I dread reading this forum because of all the bad news. Nice to see some good positive news for a change. Lifted my mood in what seems like a hopeless situation.
thats great news. Well done! Cani just ask, what is a MELD score? Does it have a different name in the UK?
MELD means Model For End Stage Liver Disease. It’s a score of how severe liver disease is in a patient. The British equivalent is UKELD - United Kingdom Model For End Stage Liver Disease.
A quote from the British Liver Trust: “UKELD a scoring system used to predict prognosis for patients with a liver disease, it takes into account INR, (international normalised ratio), Serum Creatinine, Serum Bilirubin and Serum Sodium. ”
congrats i have managed 6months plus but i still meet my friends at the pub.they know i dont drink are fully supportive and great fun to be with