I feel like I’m be left in the dark! Why do I have to ask all the questions and try and do my own research? I understand everyone and case, symptoms are different from my own research but surely in the times we live in the consultant and or team should give patients a general knowledge on what may or may not happen.
if I knew about some of the symptoms that have been happening to me then I wouldn’t get a shock every time something new develops. I feel it’s my right to be informed of all outcomes about the disease and I think it’s absolutely unacceptable that it is not being discussed.
I don’t think I should have to google anything because I cannot trust in that information but where else am I supposed to get it from? I have decompensated cirrhosis & don’t feel well enough at times to be wasting my energy trying to find information. I feel like I’m being a nuisance when I ask questions and this is causing added unnecessary stress. My family are constantly asking me for answers that I don’t have for them. I abstain from alcohol since my diagnosis. Stigma around ARLD seems to be an unsaid big issue. I feel the vibes. People who are not in recovery from alcoholism cannot possibly understand the disease of alcoholism. I was fortunate to be in recovery for many years with help but unfortunately relapsed. Shortly after diagnosis was given. Obviously abstinence and continued recovery is paramount for me. I have followed what they have told me to do to date.
What I feel I need medically is transparency and being offered information rather than having to ask for it. I just can’t understand it!
Really confused now about the whole thing and while my liver is decompensated with cirrhosis I will say that I feel grateful to be trying to deal with this in sobriety and not numbing the severity of the disease with alcohol.
Any advice would help. Thanks.