I had a liver biopsy while on a medical trial that showed Cirrhosis’.However, my Gp refuses to acknowledge my cirrhosis’ diagnosis as blood tests show differently? I just want to be treated correctly?
Cirrhosis’ or not?: I had a liver biopsy... - British Liver Trust
Cirrhosis’ or not?

Hi Plecos, and welcome to this friendly forum. It is possible to have normal liver tests and still have a diagnosis of cirrhosis. This is because the liver is excellent at trying its best to work at full capacity, despite having scarring of the liver. If your liver biopsy states you have cirrhosis then I would suggest that this diagnosis should warrant further investigation and referral to onwards specialist care. One suggestion would be to request an abdominal ultrasound as it should show any scarring or fibrosis. Another option would be to seek another GPs opinion or escalate your concerns to your Practice Manager.
If it would help to talk over your concerns, our nurse led helpline is open from Monday to Friday 10am to 3pm on 0800 652 7330.
Hi,I was diagnosed with non alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver last year and my Dr told me that she wasn't expecting that result as my liver function on a normal blood test showed as working fine so yes I test can show one thing whilst another test cab give a different account.
If a test shows you have cirrhosis then get it checked out, seeing another Dr if need be ascits your body and you need to know where you stand with it xx.
I have cirrhosis. When I was first diagnosed I was very ill. I had a deep rooted infection which then triggered my liver into decline. My bloods were abnormal at that point. When my infection cleared and I started to recover my bloods returned to normal. So when my bloods are done these days, if I hadn’t been diagnosed in hospital, then my GP would have no idea that I have liver disease. My consultant explained that whilst I still have cirrhosis my liver is stable. Our livers can be badly damaged with up to 70% not working but still function. He said that all the parameters that are red flags to him are normal; albumin, platelets, bilirubin, INR, ALT, ASP, ALP. So I’d get yourself referred to specialist care just to get yourself checked over. In the meantime, don’t drink alcohol, eat a healthy diet and do some exercise. Those things will protect you.
The basic Liver Function test is merely a snapshot of how the liver is performing at that moment. Because the liver has the amazing ability to repair and recover, a liver can become cirrhotic, but still, be able to function enough. Many GPs tend to put too much faith in the LFT. They see perfect liver function and assume all is well.
An ELF blood test (Enhanced Liver Fibrosis), will show up possible fatty liver, or liver fibrosis. A Fibroscan can show up Cirrhosis.
It is important that if a person has been diagnosed with having liver cirrhosis, then six-monthly liver scans should be carried out. Here an MRI or CT scan is used to look for possible tumours or polyps. Early identification of any Hepatocellular carcinoma is always the best course of action.
I say this not to cause concern or worry, but to merely point out the possibility of developing tumours. Not all tumours are cancerous, At one point I had five tumours, which turned out to be benign. Three of these were of the correct size to be burnt off using radiofrequency ablation treatment.
I think you should go back to your GP and ask for further tests just to confirm that you have cirrhosis and establish the amount of scarring and make sure you receive regular liver scans.
If your GP still feels this is unnecessary, then I would ask that a note be put on your medical record stating why this request is being refused. Always remain polite but, you need to be reassured and know that your healthcare is being taken seriously.
Good Luck
I was on tests to see if I suitable for a medical research programme and had a fibroscan indicating F4 but the blood tests came back as ok. My GP looked at the scan results and basically said that she didn't know what the results meant but would order new blood tests. But as the bloods a couple of weeks ago were fine I don't expect anything from these ones. She didn't think it useful to refer me with the fibroscan results, so think I'm going to have to insist
I would compare that with an MRI detecting you had a brain tumor but an inexperienced Dr saying your fine because you don't have a headache!
Insist on being referred to a hepatolagist.
I have cirrhosis.
My bloods are perfect.