I just wondered if anyone else has had this. I was diagnosed with cirrhosis in March 2021, I was sick with an infection at the time and wasn’t in the best health. I’ve become abstinent, my bloods are now normal and the consultant seems happy. I’m being reviewed every 6 months now. I’m eating a well balanced diet with the support and advice of a dietician, I’m also exercising more. I feel well. I’ve noticed though my muscles ache more. Arms mainly, legs a bit less. I’m also stiff in the morning. I’m not sure this is simply because I’m doing more exercise, my age (sadly!), or whether it’s something more to do with cirrhosis. Any advice would be appreciated.
Aching muscles.: I just wondered if... - British Liver Trust
Aching muscles.

Hi Aotea, some people have said their muscles ache in the morning due to the liver taking energy from them overnight, but I think this tends to happen more with decompensated cirrhosis when the liver can't store energy properly. People also lose weight/muscle mass when this happens. Maybe try having a snack at bedtime and see if it helps? nerd x
Hi Aotea, picking this up a bit late but did your muscle ache and stiffness improve? My husband suffers quite badly from this. He was also diagnosed in March, abstinent since then and sticking to diet.
Yes it has improved. My GP thought it would, because all my bloods were fine and consultant was happy at my last review. My exercise regime has increased and I suspect it was more that my muscles weren’t used to it. Haven’t done anything else or gone onto different medication so not sure why it’s improved. Thankfully it has though.
Good to hear, keep up the good work! x
I know this is way way late (lol) but I had muscle aches too. For several months and they are completely gone now. I think it was due to my muscles rebuilding (and my digestive system had previously bothered me) and better diet. I’m exercising about 5x/week including power yoga and feel a million times better. Abstinence with a good diet Lots of protein and fresh veggies
Now I’m ripped instead of getting ripped. 😂 I wish my liver was in as good of shape as my outward body. I hope you’re 100% on this issue. Best of luck !