Hi all, I had a shear wave elastography of the liver. Kpa 7.8. My ultrasound said increased echogenicity and mildly in creased exotexture. Does anyone know if this is suggestive of cirrhosis? Has it gone too far. Worried sick.
Is the Kpa from a shearwave elastograp... - British Liver Trust
Is the Kpa from a shearwave elastography the same as the Kpa from a fibroscan?

Didn’t someone say that it’s early fibrosis which is reversible and definitely not cirrhosis? When you are in a state of panic you don’t always take in what people have said. Think you’re in a really good position and can get back to normal. Xxxxxx
Thanks. Yes, I am wondering if the grading is different for shear wave as compared to fibroscan. I was also concerned as the ultrasound said mild heterogenous exotexture. I will see g.p to,or row and discuss. I could let it go if I felt ok but quite unwell.
Hi,You cannot compare fibroscan score with one from shear wave elastography. Different scale for staging fibrosis. Not sure but 7.8 kpa for SWE is something F1/F2 but you have to check this with doctor.
Anyway I have also increased heterogenous echo on ultrasound. I have fibroscan 8,8 kpa (described as F2). BMI about 25. Not sure what is going on (no indication of AIH, alkohol rather social drinking).
Not at all but it is not unusal even with advanced fibrosis. All liver enzymes pretty ok (only INR is slightly increased 1.28 - normal 0.8-1.2). I will see what future will bring. I am male only 36 years old.