I joined a gym today and was wondering if it is safe to have a whey protein shake after workouts? Will it put extra strain on my liver? Anyone with experience , can you please shed some light on the topic and maybe also share what brand of shakes they are having! Thanks in Advance!
Protein Shakes.. Are they safe for the... - British Liver Trust
Protein Shakes.. Are they safe for the Liver and Kidneys?

Yes if prescribed by your doctor
Hi there - I seem to spend my life in the gym, and I used to use protein shakes 'just to be sure'. Personally I was advised against it by my hepatologist and I stopped, although you should check with your doctor. From a non-medical point of view, I'd ask why you think you need extra protein just because you are going to the gym. If you have a good, balanced diet you should get all the protein you need, even if you train hard. The supplement industry wants you to spend lots of money on protein which you simply don't need. Today I will consume about 150g of protein from regular whole foods and only two modest servings of chicken.
I should point out that there are certain conditions where protein shakes are advised by doctors and my thoughts here are assuming you are only considering these because you are going to the gym.
All the best
If you have a liver condition, it would be a good idea to check with your own doctors if you are considering using protein shakes after a workout.
We (the people here) have a range of liver problems - my own is that my immune system does not like my liver and has been attacking it! Anyway to get to the point, you should consult your own liver team before taking anything you are not sure of, because what is ok for some may not be for you. I know it’s a real pain having to think twice about everything others take for granted, but better to be safe. x
Hi Idyllic,
velvetunderground makes a really valid point about protein shakes. Taking it outside the liver disease aspect, they are about as much use as a chocolate fireguard when it comes to gaining strength. I had a rather interesting discussion with a physical therapist the other night at my athletic club. He used to be a former body builder but now works with the renal team at my local hospital. Basically, to put our conversation in a nutshell, they're a waste of time, lol, and you'll get more benefit from an appropriate diet.
There is a place for protein supplementation in late stages of liver disease, but really that should be as guided by a dietician or your medical team.
What is it you are aiming to achieve at the gym? Unless you are looking to be the next Mr Universe, an appropriate training programme should be sufficient to make the gains you are desiring.
Better recovery time...I'm having body and muscle aches like never before. They are pretty sore.. Was just trying to add something to my diet that will aid in recovery time and build muscle faster!
Not entirely useless if you exercise properly for the benefit. If for nothing else, it lets you add nutrients you do need quickly and easily, and the more muscle you have the more protein you have to take to maintain it. Shake or 5kg of chicken a day.. know what I’d prefer. There is science around it, it’s absolutely not the magic pill the adverts have you believe. Have a protein shake after your CrossFit class and you become superman lols. It won’t do much to aid recovery time or circumvent hard work to build muscle.
I used to be big into gym, be well defined and have low body fat, a but the punishment to get there was tough and only then do you look at at supplementing. Came in handy knowing I had to basically go in that diet more or less permanently. But everyone’s different so do what you’re doctor/nutritionist says , as it can be hard on some peoples kidneys.
I also go to the gym occasionally and I have cirrhosis but I was told that I could have whey protein shakes in moderation obviously, if I was having say one or two a day they said it would be fine but apparently some people who go to the gym have protein powder in 5/6 things which isn’t recommended so yeah definitely circumstantial to you
My hepatology team did approve my shakes as a nutritional supplement. I'm limited on the ability to swallow and digest foods given my stage of cirrhosis, and the supplemental protein helps with my overall diet.
If there are already kidney problems in your body, I would be cautious with any supplements in your place. It is essential for the kidneys to follow a specific diet, which your nephrologist should prescribe to you since only he knows the indications of all your tests and how your illness passed. I have pyelonephritis myself, but my doctor said I could use a supplement from rats.army/product/lgd-4033-... since it will not conflict with my medications. It's better to do as I did and discuss it with your doctor, as he can help you to sort the medication into the composition and tell you for sure whether you can use it or not
I have compensated cirrhosis and my liver specialist and dietician said yes. It depends on each person and where you are at. Def talk to a doc.
I think so, but a better choice is Casien protein...it burns slower and helps when it comes to muscle eating liver disease. I was told to drink one near bedtime. If you take it with milk you will have all the calcium you need assuming your are eating pretty well. Casien is also a milk product like whey.