Cate: Hi im cate, I had an ultrasound... - British Liver Trust

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Cate71 profile image
33 Replies

Hi im cate, I had an ultrasound scan today which revealed a lump on my liver, my gp has referred me to a GI specialist for further tests, I'm so scared

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Cate71 profile image
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33 Replies

Hi Cate71, I'm sorry you are having such a worrying time. Hopefully you shall receive some support from our friendly forum members here. If it would help, you can phone our nurse-led helpline for support on 0800 652 7330 which is open Monday - Friday 10-3. Keep us updated,Trust10

Cate71 profile image
Cate71 in reply to

Thankyou for replying, I will try calling the number on Monday... I'm so scared especially with everything else going on.... Anxiety is ouf the window

in reply to Cate71

Hi Cate71 - can I suggest discussing your scan results again with your GP to get a bit more clarity on them? Hopefully that might ease your anxiety until you see a specialist. Take care, Trust10

Cate71 profile image
Cate71 in reply to

My gp is calling me on Monday and I will discuss the scan further then, thankyou

in reply to Cate71

Good luck, hope you get some answers. Trust10

13Bean profile image

Hi Cate, I'm pretty much in the same boat as you. Went to my GP with non acid reflux symptoms, was sent for an endoscopy, barium swallow and ultrasound. At the ultrasound they found a 6cm lesion on my liver. Blood tests showed a high GGT level but everything else was normal. I have now had a CT scan and I'm waiting for the results. I am so anxious that I can't sleep properly and maybe it's all in my head but I now have pain on my right side just under my ribs, particularly when laying down. I know this doesn't help your situation but it may be of some comfort to know you are not alone. I have a call with my consultant on Thursday so I should know more then. Sue

Cate71 profile image
Cate71 in reply to 13Bean

I'm so sorry to hear of your pain, its so terrifying isn't it, I'm in agony as I type, my pain is upper back, upper abdomen and both sides also the back of my neck.... I'm so scared of cancer, I'm also struggling with sleep and I'm so tense. I really hope you get your issues resolved, I really feel for you xx

13Bean profile image
13Bean in reply to Cate71

I think the anxiety can cause a lot of tension which in turn can cause the pain. It's impossible to relax though when you just don't know what's going on. I'm trying to stay positive , I'm only 51 and don't drink and I'm otherwise in pretty good health, and therefore the chances of cancer are low but its always at the forefront of my mind no matter how hard I try to push it to the back of my mind. I will let you know what I learn on Thursday and hopefully it will be good news which in turn could offer you some reassurance. Stay strong. X

Cate71 profile image
Cate71 in reply to 13Bean

Thankyou so much for replying, I'm only 49, I don't drink but do smoke although cutting down. Yes please let me know how you get on, I so hope it all goes well for you... I think I would be calmer if it wasn't for our current situation regarding covid, (I'm overweight lol) and have hypothyroidism all I seem to do is complain, I'm trying to be positive and find distractions, struggling. Fingers crossed for you x

13Bean profile image
13Bean in reply to Cate71

Hi Cate, thought I'd send an update. I wasn't expecting to hear from the hospital until Thursday but I had a call today to say at the CT scan they have found multiple lesions rather than the single lesion found at the ultrasound. They now want me to have an MRI, which is booked for next Wednesday. They wouldn't tell me anything but gave a phone number for the 'support team' which, when I googled it is actually the local MacMillan nurses, so to me that would imply it is not good news. It's so hard to stay positive. No one will tell me anything. Have you got dates for your further investigations yet?

Cate71 profile image
Cate71 in reply to 13Bean

Aw, I'm sorry to hear this and I hope you get the treatment you need, I'm sure you will get support, it's so scary not being in the know, stay strong.... I'm booked in for an endoscopy on the 22nd of Feb....(sending you a virtual hug)

Cate71 profile image
Cate71 in reply to 13Bean

I really feel for you please keep in touch....

13Bean profile image
13Bean in reply to Cate71

Thanks Cate. Good luck for the 22nd xx

13Bean profile image
13Bean in reply to 13Bean

Hi Cate, hope you're keeping well. Have you heard anything back from your scan yet? I've just had my diagnosis. I have several hemanginomas. Thank God it wasn't anything worse. One of the lesions is classed as 'giant' and that is what is causing pain as its pressing on the liver capsule. I've now been referred to Kings in London so that the specialist team can look into treating it. It's scary but much better news than I was anticipating. I hope you have good news too. Take care. Sue xx

Cate71 profile image
Cate71 in reply to 13Bean

Hi sue... I had a gastroscopy today and was reassured that there was no cancer, I've been referred to a hematologist as its shown that I have a fatty liver so need further investigation..... I'm relieved for you.... So glad its not more serious xx

AyrshireK profile image
AyrshireK in reply to Cate71

I hope it's a hepatologist you've been referred to re. your liver. A haematologist is blood specialist - liver is hepatology.

Cate71 profile image
Cate71 in reply to AyrshireK

I meant the liver one lol

13Bean profile image
13Bean in reply to Cate71

That's great news. Take care and all the best for the future. Xx

Just to say another lady went through this a few months ago on here if you read back. She had a growth on the liver and was so scared. It all turned out ok.... it wasn’t anything serious.

Cate71 profile image
Cate71 in reply to

I'm glad to hear that, I so hope it's nothing life threatening

in reply to Cate71

Nodules of fat can show as lesions on liver, I have a lesion on mine called hemangioma... They said I need a scan every 6 months but not heard back!! I really wouldn’t worry too much... x

Cate71 profile image
Cate71 in reply to

Thankyou, just to hear of others experiences is comforting

Thumberlina profile image
Thumberlina in reply to Cate71

Hi Cate

try not to worry, that only adds to the anxiety. Back in Nov I paid privately for an ultrasound as docs told me the blood test results meant no further investigation was required. The ultrasound detected two masses on my liver, left lobe was 2.5cm at the widest point, right was 5.5cm, apparently showing no blood flow. I went in to total paranoid mode, the guys on here helped reassure me and it did calm me somewhat whilst i was waiting for further imagery to confirm

MRI with contrast a little under 2 weeks ago showed these are benign haemangioma, pretty much like Klingons 12. They are very common in ladies our age. The one on my right looked hugs on the ultrasound so i was passed myself!

I changed my diet when i had the ultrasound, stopped all alcohol, salt, sugar and processed food as much as i can and I am still experiencing abdominal ache/discomfort. I am by no means in agony though. It has eased since i changed my dietary habits and cut out alcohol back in Nov.

I am waiting for follow up appointment with Hepatologist to investigate the "fluid to the back surface of the liver" and establish if there is any damage.

There are loads of things it could be, don't google and try not to worry x

Cate71 profile image
Cate71 in reply to Thumberlina

You must be somewhat relieved, thankyou for your insight, I'm beside myself but trying, everyone on here have been so lovely, positive and caring thankyou so much

Thumberlina profile image
Thumberlina in reply to Cate71

Honestly try not to worry, I found the more I thought about it the more I zoned in to the pain. Primary liver cancer is rare, it normally follows if you have cirrhosis from reading up on it, of which was not apparent on your ultrasound.

I found reading others experiences helped. You gain more of an understanding on here by doing that than you ever will trawling through websites trying to make your own diagnosis x

Cate71 profile image
Cate71 in reply to Thumberlina

Spoke to another gp at my clinic today who said my liver wax inflamed...... Ah I'm trying not to worry, I have cptsd and severe anxiety so I am struggling with worry, I really appreciate all the kind advice xx

Thumberlina profile image
Thumberlina in reply to Cate71

Mine was, inflammation can be stopped/reversed. Honestly try not to be overly anxious. I found cutting everything bad such as sugar, alcohol and salt out has made a massive difference and to be honest, I scared myself so much I can hand on heart say the changes came easy. I had raised enzymes, they retook my bloods 4 weeks after the initial tests and the difference was remarkable, everything back in the normal bracket.

I feel loads better, I'm now trying to swap out for plant based foods in place of cream etc and cooking fresh xx

Cate71 profile image
Cate71 in reply to Thumberlina

I'm so pleased you are feeling much better, thankyou for replying to me and easing my anxiety I really appreciate it, what a strong lady you are, x

Thumberlina profile image
Thumberlina in reply to Cate71

No problem, the guys in this group are brill. The collective experiences really help with the understanding, I found the more I educated myself the less worried I became. Google had me at deaths door 😜, I now know given others feedback and experiences I was far from it x

I remember now it turned out to be a nodule of fat... this can show up as lesion on scans. Xx

13Bean profile image
13Bean in reply to

Thanks for the info. It is reassuring to hear positive stories.

JohnnyMed profile image

Hello Cate, I was diagnosed with liver cancer 29/1/21. I have cirrohsis of liver which makes it more likely to get liver cancer. I wasn't referred by GP, my liver consultant had noticed something wrong with bloods, sent me for an ultrasound - showed nothing, sent me for a CT scan with contrast - showed nothing, sent me for mri I think with contrast, showed a 9cm lesion. Consultant describes it as big.I am awaiting a biopsy and then will be passed to oncology team to go through whatever chemothrapy regime they decide is appropriate. This has been through local and regional MDT teams. The lesion is too big to operate on so no transplant or ressection of liver (cut the lesion out).

I now wait, I've got over the initial worry/scaryness and now am fairly calm about it, I have to wait until I find out more. It's annoying you don't get to instantly know, but this is the way it is.

So I think I'm trying to say stop worrying until they give you actual information to worry about. Hard to do, but life goes on, you must carry living yours. Over time you will worry less until you have more information as whats the point in worrying about something you don't know anything about.

Good luck, hope everything comes back fine for you.

Wish you well

Cate71 profile image
Cate71 in reply to JohnnyMed

I'm so sorry to hear of your ongoing illness, thankyou so much for sharing with me, I hope you get the treatment you need, thankyou for your kind words and advice

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