Can acid reflux be caused by NAFLD I have no hernia but two small varacies ?
Acid Reflux: Can acid reflux be caused... - British Liver Trust
Acid Reflux

As far as I know any liver disease can increase the likelihood of acid reflux. There have been many studies on it. Some state that the acid reflux was there before the liver became fatty but it became fatty through diet. Of course not all liver disease is caused by diet it can be hereditary, autoimmune etc... the studies I have read seem to find that anyone with liver disease has a higher risk of acid reflux. Of course I am not medical and you cannot always believe everything you read but that is my thought.
I was diagnosed with acid reflux several years before other symptoms related to liver disease caused the doctors to look at my liver. I don't have NAFLD as far as I know, but cirrhosis caused by a lifetime of ulcerative colitis. I also have oesophageal varices. I take lansoprazole for the acid reflux and a mild beta blocker prescribed for other reasons, but which mitigates pressure on the varices.
In my case, it is due to the liver. I’m 62 and never had it a day in my life until my liver disease has progressed. A lot of publications say the severity of the acid reflux or GERD can indicate liver damage. I initially experienced Silent Reflux which also caused ear pressure.
So heart burn mean you have cirrhosis
Not at all I hope, but it did signal fibrosis progression. Had an MRI 4 weeks ago and cirrhosis was not mentioned.
I had an endoscopy on Sunday it showed two very small varicose which didn’t require banding, so am still a bit puzzled as to how this could cause the severe reflux I suffer, but accept that there seems to be a connection.
I had an op for a hernia about 12 hrs ago which is still intact.