No Question,, feeling a little low, - British Liver Trust

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No Question,, feeling a little low,

Paderico profile image
27 Replies

I don't know why I have not changed in any way, yep a little more pain but that is to be expected, O yes my friend her grand-niece age 15 unfortunately passed last wk that horrid thing Cancer in her blood, I don't know what type, it really doesn't matter just so young and her whole life in front of her.... I am sorry I really wish I had something good or funny to say I really should not have put this burden on any of you but I have no one to tell, no one to shake my head with and say what a waste. I am so so selfish sorry guys again, tomorrow I hope I will be able to post again when my positivity returns and gives me a kick up the ---- !!! good evening to you all.


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Paderico profile image
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27 Replies
Laura009 profile image

I am so so sorry paderico. Absolute tragedy for someone so young. Feel for you also, of course you need to share such sad news you are by no means selfish and you certainly have no reason to appologise. I'm sure you will find plenty of support here.

Take care

Laura x

Paderico profile image
Paderico in reply to Laura009

Thank you Laura, I dont know why but I just think I felt a little trickel of an angels kiss slip down my cheek, she must be out of pain and in a good place, thank you for caring Laura.


Laura009 profile image
Laura009 in reply to Paderico



Lam1e profile image

So sorry to hear that Paderico. Life is so cruel sometimes. I will light a candle tonight for her🙏 Another star in the sky tonight💔

My little message for you is

You are more powerful than you know; you are beautiful just as you are😇🤗

Paderico profile image
Paderico in reply to Lam1e

Thank you so much for your lovely reply Lamie, I really appreciate it.


alfredthegreat profile image

Hi Paderico,

I'm sorry that you are feeling low.

That's very sad news about your friends great niece. At only 15 years old too. It's very hard to understand why such awful things are visited on children. Take comfort that she will not be going through more treatments or pain and will now be at peace.

You are certainly not selfish in wanting to share your grief. We are all here from you.

I hope that your pain eases too Paderico,

All good wishes as always.


Paderico profile image
Paderico in reply to alfredthegreat

thank you Alf, I have known many people that have sadly passed since my diagnosis and some of them I started to consider my friends, even though I know the outcome of thing's to come, I can usually find some sort of strength and I am able to cope in a positive manner, but not this time, I also have a little friend called Aria, she is 9 years old and has spent most of her time in hospital but I speak to her through her Mum, her Mummy said that Aria looks forward to my posts, I talk a lot about the unicorn that lives down at the riverside, so on and so on. my thoughts also turn to that little cherub,,, OK I am going to get some dinner now not had much of an appetite today. thanks again Alf for listening and the smashing others who have taken time to reply to me. things will be better tomorrow I'm sure. I will post again soon you take care all my best wishes..


alfredthegreat profile image

It's very hard to lose friends and relatives and sadly that happens with more regularity as we get older. It's easier to accept when they have lived a full life but not so with young people and little children.

So you have a Unicorn living nearby ? :-) Well we have The Magic Faraway tree at the bottom of our garden :-) When our son was growing up here he was convinced that it was that very tree. Instead of little fairy folk though we have squirrels living in our Faraway tree. Aria is still at the age where these magical things exist and she will love your unicorn stories.

Enjoy your dinner and have a cosy eve.

Watch out for the Saucepan man :-) :-)


Paderico profile image
Paderico in reply to alfredthegreat

Lots and Lots of love to you Both..

Paderico xx

alfredthegreat profile image
alfredthegreat in reply to Paderico

Back at you Paderico :-) :-)

Good morning Paderico,

I hope today is a better day?

I can see all your wonderful forum friends are here to support you.

Please do not ever feel you cannot come here to express your feelings, as you can see there is lots of support on this forum.

If you need to reach out further , I have included a link for you.

Take care,


Paderico profile image
Paderico in reply to

Hello good morning and a big thank you, I am sure another cup of Tea should do the trick, I will be up and running again soon, I have 2 B.... thank you again


Lam1e profile image
Lam1e in reply to Paderico

How is your little market garden? My friend has given me some lovely apples which I think I am going to make either a pie or crumble with! Sadly no rhubarb in the freezer but I might try and grow it in buckets next year.

Also really missed gooseberries this year, as I love making the jam!

Stay well🙏

Paderico profile image
Paderico in reply to Lam1e

Hello Lamie well my gooseberry bush I think has given up the ghost, it looks dredfull and I don't think I can help him, beyond redemption had a few plumbs not a lot but very enjoyable not enough to cook anything with, but yes stacks of rhubarb still giving some away nice to have a hot crumble with some Elema cream yum yum... and yes it should grow in buckets I started mine in a big flowerpot then put him at the back of the little greenhouse. I hope you have a good day hope to spk soon. thanks again for your lovely post


mattymoo33 profile image

Hi there. Just read your post. What a terrible tragedy.

I hope you feel a bit better today honey.🌈🙏xxx

Paderico profile image
Paderico in reply to mattymoo33

Hello mattymoo33 Yes I do thank you, I think it was having such wonderful people here who gave me a little of their time, just to speak to somebody about it. Just to share how hurt and low I felt , I find it very true unless one has been through certain things it is very difficult to fully understand them, and I will be honest apart from the anguish I felt for her loss I also felt very afraid for when it will be my turn, thank you for replying I really do appreciate you taking the time all my best wishes


Isabelle2 profile image


Late as ever to check the news. So sorry you were low. We heard of

a guy we knew pretty well who died just the other day from cancer - aged 33. He’d kept it secret then got very bad last Sunday and died on the way to hospital. Far too young. I was pretty low that day too.

I thought of you and Alf the other day, it was very windy but I got hubby out to help tidying garden. We lifted potatoes and pulled up toms. I now have a big box in the kitchen, keeping the green ones in the dark with a couple of ripe apples. Green toms not pots of course 🙊.

Over here the weather has well and truly turned!

Izzy xx

Paderico profile image
Paderico in reply to Isabelle2

Hello Isabella2, yep sir, it not only is a bugger of a disease but it has no bounds or limits, enough now I hate it the days when I have to scrub my pots and my little greenhouse dig about in my green bean patch and cover it up for winter, all the fruit gone just my rhubarb is still soldiering on, but I feel very satisfied that everything is washed and ironed all put away on shelves ready to start again next year. (Lord willing), I must say I am a bit envious about the stuff you have in the kitchen lovely home grown pots and lots of toms. lucky you. thank you for your reply, and the sun has come out here, so things aren't so bad.... smashing to talk with you again Isabelle stay safe and all my best wishes,


FlyingArrow profile image

Hi Paderico

Like Isebella apologises for my late response as I've only just logged in!

I'm so sorry to read about your friends niece but like Lam 1e said, she's now a sparkling bright star in the sky which is such a wonderful thought and feeling for you to.know.

Hopefully today you'll feel a little brighter with maybe a slight spring in your step to dabble in your garden, as I'm presuming you may have had similar windy weather to myself this weekend causing slight damage to potted plants and more of the pretty autumn coloured leaves to fall that now require racking and bagging up!

May I ask, are those wonderful tomato plants of yours still bearing fruit?

Write soon my friend but in the meantime remember your never alone !

Love Trish 💘

Paderico profile image
Paderico in reply to FlyingArrow

Hello Trish yes its a little harder work this year to rake and bag, hay-ho the joy of old age.....I actually had about 12lbs of Toms between the greenhouse and hanging baskets, I have made all my spag sauce for this winter and its tucked away in the freezer, the tom plants have been pulled and gone to the re-cycle, my Q's no sooner did I pick them than they had gone, but yesterday a dear gentleman who has an allotment brought me around a courgette, that was very kind of him. so I hope things will go a little better for us all the rest of this year, then we can start all over again the prep for planting. stay well and safe all my best wishes hope to spk soon.. thank you for replying 2 me...


FlyingArrow profile image
FlyingArrow in reply to Paderico

Hi Paderico

Well I must say you had a brilliant crop of tomato and if we lived closer we could gave been in competition with each other, however you would have clearly won as some of my cherry toms are still ripening up! Last week I had so many that I chopped some in half filled a cereal dish then added freshly grounded pepper corns and some Welsh honey, 2 table spoons and let them marinate over night! Oh my they were yummy to nibble on!

Today Derek's been busy splitting one of my new potted plants which I purchased in May which was quiet expensive at £26 pounds! Everyone who's visited my home have all fell totally in love with this plant which is called 'Angel Wings ' It lives out side in the summer in a pot and has come in doors at the first sign of chilli weather! Anyway we now have a further 7 large beautiful plants which will now be divided between my friends and family. If I can find a photo I'll load it for you to see!

In the meantime take care and write soon.

Trish x

Paderico profile image
Paderico in reply to FlyingArrow

Samashing Trish and what a great Christmas/birthday prezzy, a lovely plant, good thinking Bat-Wig,,,, stay safe and spk soon, O by the way do you have a spare Derek? No,,,,, O it was worth a try. (ha ha ha),


FlyingArrow profile image
FlyingArrow in reply to Paderico

I'd let you borrow Derek but unfortunately he has a poorly heart and only dabbles in the garden when he's up to it! However I would volunteer if I lived closer! Lol

Trish x

Doberlady profile image

So very sorry to hear this Paderico. Much too young. I'm glad that you felt you could share this here. I am reading the responses and see that we all feel the same way and share your grief with you. xxx

Paderico profile image
Paderico in reply to Doberlady

Hello and a very good morning 2 you Doberlady, the sun is trying to come out here in Sussex, I hope it is a good sign for us all. yes it is overwhelming really, I do write a post now and again but the past bit of awful news I had, did knock me for 6 and I really did feel desperate, so I took the bull by the horns, and wrote in,,, I live alone you see and have no family left, due to my condition I am still on somewhat of a lockdown, I shop on line and really see just my pallative nurse my district Nurses for gen health checks and things like that . I Miss my little westie Paddy so much, I do all my shopping on line so I am lucky in that respect..... anyway I was so grateful and just stuck for words , as all the people here reached out and helped me, but really helped me cope. thank you for a most smashing reply hope to spk soon and take care thank you again.


Ellewoods1 profile image

I’m so sorry. I just said a special prayer for you.

Paderico profile image
Paderico in reply to Ellewoods1

Hello Ellewoods1 thank you so much for thinking of me, gosh I have never felt that so many good people would really put themselves out like this for me, it is very humbling thanks again for my prayer. stay well all my best wishes.


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