Hi I reasonably new to this but I was wondering if theres anyone out there who could provide me with some much need advice. I've been feeling nausea, weakness, fatigue, chest pain, abdominal pain, constipation and generally terrible for about 2 years now and its only getting worse! I've had these symptoms constantly everyday for 3 months now and I was wondering if anyone knew anything?
How to stop your gallstone symptoms? - British Liver Trust
How to stop your gallstone symptoms?

I don't know whether you've previously seen this but it might contain some advice that will be of use to you. britishlivertrust.org.uk/in...
Have you actually seen a doctor for diagnosis and treatment plan?
Yes I've seen a doctor and he hasn't fully diagnosed me yet as I'm still waiting for an ultrasound, I was just wondering if anyone knew anything I could try for the time being to see if it could help as I'm only 17 and I need to be able to go to school. Which isnt possible with current symptoms
I have gallstones but they don’t cause me chest pain. I have constant feeling like my stomach is rotting inside... it’s not good. Today my heart rate is 52 😞... it makes me feel tired and weak. Doctor said it’s automonic dysfunction. I need to see a specialist in automonic dysfunction and cardiologist. Doctor is trying to push me to pay private because it can take forever on nhs at the min. The only reason I know I have gallstones is because I was forced to pay to get help!
Have you spoken to your doctor and had a blood test? X

Yes I have, the blood test have come back and i have high bilirubin and creatinine, with my bilirubin sometimes tripling the normal. I feel for you I understand it's not nice to feel unwell. Were u experience any nausea or jaundice as I've got it very frequently?
You can stop eating fat. It will reduce your pain from gall stones
Gallstones would be very unusual in someone your age. They are much more common in middle aged/older people. I was diagnosed via ultrasound last year and don't have any of the symptoms you are experiencing. I get very occasional flare ups with severe pain lasting for about 3 hours at a time if I eat something that irritates my gall bladder but otherwise I am fine. I think you need to push your doctor to get an ultrasound and any other diagnostic tests done asap. You are very young and if your condition is affecting your ability to go to school it really needs proper investigation.
I've been pushing for so 2 years now and they just seem to brush me aside I'm really considering going private now because I need my education
I have gallstones but getting no pain feel a bit bloated after eating even small amounts. A recent private scan has showed a stone in my canal still no pain though. I'm having trouble getting to talk to consultant or my Dr.
Are you sure you have gallstones? I never had any of those symptoms when I had gallstones, however all your symptoms sound exactly how my son was last year. He has since been diagnosed with autoimmune hepatitis.
You really need to push your doctor to check for everything.
Wouldnt hepatitis come up in blood tests though ?
Hepatitis is a generic term for an inflamed liver. There then is different viruses etc that cause the inflammation. My son's is due to his immune system attacking his liver, hence it being autoimmune hepatitis.
Is it something hes able to control and live with ?
He's on steroids and immune suppresants. He was diagnosed last year in the middle of GCSEs and touch wood a year on, due to the medication, all his levels have gone back into normal range.
He had a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis and it was found he has early stages of cirrhosis but apart from now never being able to drink alcohol and still having some fatigue, he just gets on with life exactly as he would have without his condition.
Good morning Red19250,
As you are under 18 , we have to be very careful about any suggested advice you are offered.
To keep yourself safe, please visit your GP for follow up - the ultrasound is a good place to start .
I hope you manage to get back to school soon.
Take care,

Yeah I have my ultra sound next week so I'll be seeing what happens from there. Thanks