Hello. Following an nhs health check my liver enzymes were in the 400s. I felt fine but immediately stopped drinking . Prior to lock down I was a little above recommended intake at about 20 units a week. During lock down my narcissistic severely asthmatic 84yr old mother moved in with us for 3 months and my drinking went up considerably to about 68 units per week, After 1 month of no drinking my liver enzymes had gone up significantly again. and I felt sick Then a week ago started to get pain ,dull mainly across the whole upper abdo but at times excruciating in my stomach, Have scan next week. Bloods showed not hep b or c and bilirubin levels fine, Since last excruciating pain 3 days ago I find just picking a cup up exhausting and and can t think straight. It has taken me a couple of hours to write this and although I force myself to get dressed I then have to lay on the bed all day. Took turmeric high dose for 1 month prior to nhs health check. Does anyone else have any experience of liver damage after taking this herbal supplement please? I have to say I never realised about all these liver problems that I have read about on this site and I send you all warmest wishes. Thank you. Louise
Turmeric supplements and having extrem... - British Liver Trust
Turmeric supplements and having extreme fatigue with inflammed liver??

The British Liver Trust who host this site recommend against taking any herbal or so called alternative remedies for just this reason, these are not subjected to the rigorous testing and safety regimes that regular medicines are, nor are their stringent tests into dosages, safe levels, unsafe levels etc. A quick bit of research does reveal that some people have had negative effects on the liver with turmeric supplements, it can do all sorts of things with iron levels and more.
More concerning would be your alcohol usage and its effect on your liver.
It sounds like something is going on with your health just now, it might just be a bug which is causing your fatigue etc. but you need to see a doctor to get a full assessment and blood tests to check if there is something more serious going on.
Please go and see your doctor.
Hello Lulu,
I have compensated liver cirrhosis since last five years, daily I take one teaspoon of turmeric powder in Luke warm water.
Plus one cup boiled cabbage, a boiled tomato & watermelon (both these have Lycopene - an antioxidant) , some beatroot, garlic, and Silimarin Milk thistle, all these are Liver friendly. But do ask your doctor before you start having the above.
Thank you for your reply Asanafi I have a abdominal scan next week and more bloods and will talk more with gp then. He spoke to a gastro surgeon last week who thought it could be stones in liver( had my gall bladder removed 15 odd years ago) More intense pain last night....bearable now. One day at a time
Hi Lulu, wondering if you’ve had your scan yet and any results?

That's kind of you to ask. Scan was clear Bilirubin, & 2 liver enzymes still up one week down another & still very elevated so?? Being referred to gastroenteroligist but no pain for week now & feeling a little better. Hope things with you are stable
That’s fab news!!! I had bloods done at hospital when I was in severe pain for what the said was gastritis. That’s was two months ago and still in pain each day. They said my bloods were normal but this week I went to see a private gastro surgeon and he thinks it may be gallstones and has referred me for a scan of gallbladder pancreas and liver. I don’t think much of it but got his letter by email the next day and he points out that my alt in June was 63... everything else normal. Now I’m bricking it because I drank for at least 15 years quite heavy. I’m dreading that the raised alt after over a year of not drinking a drop could mean damage.
Can’t eat, feel sick with worry..
I had full bloods done about two months prior which showed vit D deficiency but they said rest was normal so I’m calling docs in morning to see what alt was 4 months ago... if it was ok I might relax a bit more as back then I was doing a ton of exercise each day.
The fact yours was in the 400’s and your scan was ok gives me hope 😊

I am sorry to hear you have pain every day Pamziepam.....that is not nice and also a constant reminder that something is not right.I hope you don't have to wait too long for your scan.
Normal levels of ALT is 49 and mine went up to 729 a few weeks ago and this week the lowest at 285.
Gallstones would be a good diagnosis for you. I had my gallbladder removed about 10 years ago.They can usually do keyhole surgery and once the anaesthetic had worn off within 2 weeks I was back to normal.
My GP phoned a gastroenterologist at the hospital when my blood results were so high and she thought it sounded very much by my pain description ie always pain and sometimes excruciating it could be stones in the liver. Pain went after last Saturday night when it felt like giving birth to a 10lb baby with no pain relief. I diagnose it passed through the duct then for now no pain and this weeks bloods have all reduced somewhat so I am hoping my theory was right...ha ha ha!!!
I hear and can understand your worry. It is hard not to worry! I send you strength to get through the next couple of weeks and encouragement to take each day as it comes( easy to say but not easy to do always !)f you are going privately it should be next week and if going on NHS should be the week after. If the GP deems it urgent they refer you and you have to be seen by law in the following 2 weeks. If your GP won't see another and stress how you feel and if he won't then you have 2 opinions and you can ask to be referred privately and that will help your anxiety. Privately about £350
Good luck and let me know how you get on .Hope that helps a little
Thanks for your kind reply 😊.
My partner knows some People at work with gall stones and they take meds to disintegrate them... I know they get pain when passing them so you might well be right! Great that your pain has gone.
I’m just waiting for the letter to come re the ultrasound which will be on NHS. If I get a clear scan I’ll be happy. But I imagine I’ll then have to have an endoscopy which is what he wanted to do but I was too scared. Just can’t understand why I still have pain after 3 months or more of being on lanzoprazole. Haven’t lost any weight through so....
Will deffo keep you updated and please keep me updated also.
Deffo helped 😊

Nice to chat
If you do have gall stones, because they are sitting in your gall bladder rattling around irritating the gall bladder lining you would have pain for 3 months and will continue to do so for as long as they are there
Good luck. Let me know

Have you had your ultrasound yet Pamziepam? Hope you are doing ok
Milkthistle is not safe for the liver. No suppliments other than what your liver specialist or GP prescribe should be taken. A healthy diet is essential for the liver to heal and not consuming toxins such as alcohol, sweet, salty and fatty foods. Adding unprescribed suppliments will make a damaged liver have to work harder and can cause further damage.
I can't give any further advice but you do have my sympathies regarding your house guest. My 82 year old Dad called in June to say a car had driven into the front of his house. We were in strict shielding but husband drove over to Dad's to find chaos and z car sticking out of the front of his house. Dad's been with us ever since.