Do other members have lots of blood dots under their skin? I have hundreds now, especially on top half of my stomach. They are really noticeable now. I'm under investigation liver wise, but was told that these dots are signs of advanced liver disease. I thought jaundice would have been more of a marker, and I don't have that. I suffer with lupus and secondary vasculitis. Years ago a dr noticed that I had a few dots here and there. He said it was vasculitis. The gastro dr I saw recently, said it was my liver. I have far more now which are very visible. Does anyone else have this. Apologies if Petachie is spelt wrong btw.
Petachie skin spots. : Do other members... - British Liver Trust
Petachie skin spots.

Hi. Spider naevi which are also red spots which appear under the skin can be a sign of liver disease. I have some cirrhosis and whilst I aren’t jaundiced have these spots mainly on my chest. You can google to get images of these spots?
Liver disease is complicated and can be caused by many different factors and can have different symptoms. You really need to wait for the liver specialists to determine if they think there is an issue with your liver.
Hope things go well for you.
Hi Lisa
If you have severe liver problems you might get spider nevi. These are red spots with tiny lines coming from them.
Petechiae are similar spots without the little lines.
I also think that spider nevi tend to be on the chest rather than the tummy. Mine were. I had them before my transplant but they later disappeared.
I have no idea if petechiae are due to liver problems.
Thanks Isabelle. They are pinpricks of blood. The gastro I saw relayed in a letter to my GP, that it was Petachie. I'm not championing him at all, which was why I queried it on this forum. I often think others experiences, are more helpful. I posted as I wondered if it was correct, being as I was told it was vasculitis, years ago. They are multiplying at a fast rate, stomach arms and legs. Years ago I had a very small amount, but my alt was variable back then. Am going to chase up my referral today, by phoning the hospital. Thanks again for replying.
Hi I have had these recently from my ankles to my calls but all my test s have been put on hold I was diagnosed with afib in Dec and put on beta blocker and anti coag meds I already take amlodipine and Atorvastatin for high bp andprednisone and Amoxicillian copd when needed ,blood test showed elevated liver enzymes and low autoimmune all of the above meds especially anti coagulation Apixiban can cause petechiae I was due ultrasound on liver and more blood tests and app with liver consultant I don't drink and was only slightly overweight but have lost about 1st since Dec so I'm totally confused as to what is causing them I have lots of little spider veins and small bruises appear on my legs I eventually after 3 weeks I had a call back from gp spots were fading by then who thinks they and petechiae could be caused by meds after saying didn't think it was meds I never had any of these probs prior to a fib diagnoses all tests have once again been put on hold totally confused at min sorry so long winded
Hi ticktoc, it's a nightmare especially when there are other health issues. I was F2, 6 years ago and nobody thought to tell me! You really have to 'police' your own health. I once said to a consultant...
"You say the same thing all day long. You say something to me, and by the time I go home and everyone asks how I got on, I have repeated your words 10 times over. I don't forget what you said."
Have been on the phone today to chase things up. Been told my refferal is routine!!!
Not only do I think I've been forgotten again, I think my notes have 'gone for a walk too. '
I too am on a lot of meds, and this could be it. I don't have it on my calves and ankles tho. A dr is going to call me back, and I will be pushing for further diagnostic tests, now...
Thanks for your reply and I hope you get sorted soon too.
So after calling the gastro dept, who said my referral was listed as routine, I called my GP who said she would 'fast track it.' She agreed that a 6yr old diagnosis that's been left, should go to the front now. So let's see.
Much the same here gp told me my liver enzymes and autoimmunity been up and down for last 18 months and said it showed nafld I was never told this or re tested till just before lockdown not been given advice on self help changed diet myself so bit hit and miss only what I've seen on here and on a fib site no explanation for anything or what type of a fib I have just feel as if I've been left to get on with it I know timing is bad with the dreaded covid lurking but it all adds to stress factor stay well hope things improve for us all soon
Yes Ticktoc, I know exactly what you mean. I went in hospital 6yrs ago as a day patient, for a liver biopsy. Never heard another word. I mean who goes in for invasive surgical tests, and never gets the results? My lupus consultant sent me there 1st time round, and last year said
"Am I the only one looking after your liver?" After referring me back to gastro again last autumn, I got my 6 yr old results!!! F2. I have had to fight for every diagnosis, and it's wrong. Years ago I was sent to a psychiatrist, claiming anxiety. He said my suffering was real. I often joke that I am the only one with a letter saying I'm not mad lol... And I still have it.
With my liver, I did try complaining to PALS. I don't think it's open in my hospital!
But I did stupidly think it must have been ok, and with many other health issues, I gave up on it although my ALT was always high. Let's hope we get somewhere with all of this soon.
Thanks for your reply.
PS glad your transplant has worked for you.
Thanks. Life is heighten after one. It’s a beautiful day here, we recently moved from Paris to Normandy and I am enjoying it so much. We had a picnic in the forest today and it was magical
I had spider naevi on my chest when I was diagnosed with Haemochromatosis or iron overload. The excess iron accumulates in the internal organs, especially the liver and can cause fibrosis or cirrhosis.
Hi finally had contact with liver consultant via phone had more bloods done and 3 weeks ago had Mri with contrast no results back as yet last blood tests showed raised alt gamma gt and ferritin low platelets repeat to check for autoimmune hep so no explanation as yet I've been watching diet and have lost over 1stone 6 lbs i don't drink tried contacting consultant to be told She s off sick tried gp She s on maternity leave so don't know wether any thing has improved asked for other gp call back 2 weeks ago none available apparently nafld showed up 4 yrs ago and never followed up !!! Just seems like a get on with it waiting game
Funny cos I have too little iron and have iron infusions every other year. These are defo not spider naevi. These replies are very helpful. I think that gastro was wrong, and it's my vasculitis. I suffer with lupus, and sometimes there is confusion. Thanks very much appreciated.
I checked on the mayo clinic website and it did say some lupus medication can cause it. Give it a check
Izzy xx
I have had these little red spots all over for many years. Unsure what they mean so would be interested what you discover.
I will let you know
Thank you. I have Hashimoto's so an autoimmune disease and have had abnormal liver tests at times but no reason given.
Yes I'm a mixed bag lol... Have posted on HU lupus site now. Let's see if anyone else has it.
I have thyroid issues, well I did until it was removed. This AI stuff is a nightmare. Hoping to get liver sorted soon.
Will let you know.
So you are on thyroxine too?
I have never had any answers re my liver.
Yes I am, obvs because I don't have a thyroid. I actually had it removed twice, because it grew back !!! My probs started with vasculitis, thyroid, 'sticky blood' and joint pains. Took 7 years to diagnose Lupus was the cause. My liver probs are due to all the meds I have had over
The years. Because of constant high ALT, I had a liver biopsy. Never had any results and that was 6 years ago. Finally saw a gastro dr last November. He said biopsy showed NAFLD and Fibrosis stage 2. God knows what it is now. So today I have made several calls to get my further testing done. You say you don't know the cause of your raised liver results. Do you think it's your meds? I don't think thyroxine is the cause but hey, what do we know. I was on some strong meds and biopsy did show they had caused my probs.
I don't know as liver abnormalities can be linked with thyroid issues. I have been taking 10mg Amitriptyline for a number of years so have wondered if that may be a cause. I've had a liver ultrasound which found nothing but that's it. The medics have never seemed overly concerned but I still worry sometimes.
Of course it's natural to worry sometimes. Auto immune hepatitis, and thyroid probs are quite common in lupus patients. I don't know AI hepatitis is my cause, but all the meds we take, do affect our liver. (Lupus ppl) that is. I take amitryptiline 20mg too. The meds that damaged my liver were methotrexate and azathioprine. They are immunosuppressant meds. I also take steroids, cocodamol, diclofenac, hydroxychloriquine, and a few others. So it's no wonder my liver is 'groaning. '
Anyway, I'm glad your US was good, and hope nothing progresses further for you.
Take care x
Sorry if I'm sounding like an expert. I'm not. Just been round the block a few times.
Thank you.
I asked about meds as I've been on prednislone and amoxcillian atorvastatin ,amlodipine,ibuprophen on off amiltryptoline, gp stopped ibuprophen gave me co codamol which didn't suit me changed to paracetamol for 15 yrs + for copd then had nestemi in Dec 2019 diagnosed with A fib put on Bisoprolol and apixiban that's when I got petetchia an increase in itching which I had since taking atorvastatin but gp said she doesn't think it's meds but I think it is but which ones no and from anywhere as yet
Hi after coming out of hosp I did start to get these dot marks they told me it was just liver spots I have about 3 on my arms near shoulder and my back. One in particular bled squirted out blood everywhere it eventually stopped but since then I had it dabbed with some chemical which now it won't bleed again but scarred. I also have quite a lot of blemish on my legs particular the ankles.