what is the best Devise to measure diameter of the portal vein ( Ultra sound , MRI ? ) , and is it accurate ? i am getting different value every time from 13 mm to 16 mm , does this considered as hypertension ?
diameter of the portal vein - British Liver Trust
diameter of the portal vein
MRI is probably more accurate but ultrasound is a perfectly good tool for measuring it too. It has sufficient accuracy, but at a fraction of the cost.
From a quick scan of the interweb it looks like normal diameter can be between 7mm and 15mm. Of course everyone is different and that is the average normal range, so some perfectly healthy people will fall outside of those dimensions naturally.
Having a dilated portal vein can be indicative of portal hypertension. But, that doesn't mean to say if it is that that person has portal hypertension.
Having variations in measurement is probably not that unusual either. A click of the mouse half a millimetre out each side I'm sure is easily done.
When I get checked, they are more interested in direction of blood flow and pressure exerted by the blood flow. I don't remember width of vein being mentioned & I have a good chat with my sonographer 😊
Both imaging tests can measure the portal vein. If you have concerns, then it would be best to discuss with your own doctors who are best placed to comment on specific readings such as this
Can a CT scan measure the portal vein?
I had mine measured last fall. The doctor said she measured it 2 different ways and had 2 different answers. So I suspect that different tests would have slightly different answers. Mine was measured by endoscopic ultrasound.