Feeling Good: Hi all, hope everyone is... - British Liver Trust

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Feeling Good

43 Replies

Hi all, hope everyone is well?

I just thought I'd post this update of my work in progress so far, that was me on the left October in hospital with Jaundice, Gastroenteritis and beginning stage of my cirrhosis when admitted, and all the lovely symptoms that accompany that. Drinking 15 K Ciders a day while being massively overweight wasnt a path I wanted to walk but I just couldn't see a way out of that.

So as you can see I'm a bit different now which im really happy with, just hit my 8 stone mark so im feeling so much healthier now. Reason I'm posting this is if any people are losing the will with what's going on at present, and that's completely understandable, there is always hope of changing something if you really want to.

It's too late for me to turn back the clocks its something I have done to myself nobody to blame but moi....but if there are others suffering, get help from your local services and GPs, they work wonders for many people, myself included. I hope I'm not coming across as condescending as I value lots of peoples opinion and wellbeing tips on here, with there positive outlooks and coping strategies.

I just hope if even one person can see its possible to change for the best, its never too late until that certain lady starts singing.

Take care everyone.


43 Replies
Mitz1 profile image

Brilliant son well done x very proud❤

AyrshireK profile image

You look bloody great Ashley, well done you, hopefully your liver is also recovering massively.

Here's to a long, happy and healthy future.


in reply to AyrshireK

Thank you Katie, I hope so been sober since then and also eating all the right stuff so fingers crossed when I get my results next time I'm with my consultant. And all the best to you as well. Take care


h0b0 profile image

You actually look really well. Well done.x

Koassilator profile image

A picture is worth a thousand words. 👍

Uplight99 profile image

This has actually motivated me to kick the drinking habits whilst I’m still young

How long for you drinking heavy for if you don’t mind me asking?

Also, your eyes were jaundiced in the first picture? They look more red than yellow

Great job though man the difference is actually crazy, you look like two completely different people.

Pellegrino profile image

You look amazing mate, so very well done... How long did it take you to reverse the symptoms after knocking the booze? Just been off it three weeks myself but still fairly grotty...

in reply to Pellegrino

Hi Pellegrino, that's bloody brilliant of you keep it up, you will feel like that but it will go eventually but everyone is different aren't they.

I started to look more my old self after about a month and bit and started feeling a lot better physically and mentally. Alcohol is a toxin after all and with some they can take it and leave it, others like myself couldn't so I had to ship up or shape off this mortal coil and that is not happening lol.

Good work on the abstinence though only good things will come of it, that I'm sure of. All the best, take care.


CocoChannel profile image
CocoChannel in reply to Pellegrino

Three weeks is very good going indeed, especially in these bizarre times. Please please please don’t “reward” yourself with a drink whatever your cravings tell you.

I quit 16 months ago, but I’m not cured or anything. I’m an alco in remission and would be a practising alco within days if I drank again. We’re all the same.

Sorry you’re feeling grotty, but I promise that’ll change.

Pellegrino profile image
Pellegrino in reply to CocoChannel

I'm so ill that it's not even possible to be frank. I have no cravings and a hard road ahead.

in reply to Pellegrino

That road will get easier, it won't ever be bump free, there will be speed traps ahead but remember your in control of that road, your owning that now and you will get further along , little by little.....best way I can describe it.

Pellegrino profile image
Pellegrino in reply to

You're a decent man and a gent... Many thanks.

CocoChannel profile image

Wow! I don’t think many people will appreciate the amount of hard work you’ve put in there, Ash. I kind of do as I lost three stone, but you’ve doubled that and then some. Incredible stuff.

in reply to CocoChannel

Thanks Coco, you done amazing as well keep it up, if you've set a goal or you've hit it already then it's a bloody good feeling ain't it. I just wish I could go out dancing instead of this lockdown 🤣 bloody Chinese bat flu has a lot to answer for. All the best.


Hi uplight cheers fella. I was yellow, my eyes were but skin was a lot more looked like a minion a while after that pic.

I've always been a drinker since left school, smoked weed since 15, I gave that up at 24ish and started hitting the drink instead, swapping one addiction for another. Only I started to drink more, changing drinks etc and it all spiralled out of control about 4 years ago, lost my job due to it and many friends, girlfriends and I was hooked good and proper.

Drinking in the morning was a regular thing just to feel and keep the withdrawal away then getting drunk till I passed out on me couch every night. I was drinking to forget, suffer with depression but was to much of a wimp to go Drs and do something about it, so I self medicated with alcohol.

Only it came to a head last January when I was first admitted with jaundice, I couldn't eat (didnt want to) being sick daily and that's while I was drinking so I knew something was up, that's when they told me I had what I had.

I had a hiccup in May last year after stopping completely, and like a duck to water got back to square one again.

So October was back in hospital, told straight I drink again I'll die. That is a pretty hard thing to hear at 31 so I had to wake the feck up and thankfully I've turned a corner but its always there at me everyday, testing me, pushing me to mess up.

Not gonna happen, not gonna let it.

Sorry about the length of that.

If your questioning whether you think your drinking to much, then it has obviously crossed your mind as a problem you want to try and nip in the bud before it goes to far to claw back buddy. Theres plenty of help out there, I wouldn't be here today without it, and like you do keep talking on here it's a massive help.

Hope that helps a little. All the best mate.


Uplight99 profile image
Uplight99 in reply to

Crazy man. Yeah I guess I’m looking for reassurance, I’m in the process of arranging a GP visit to get my liver enzymes done. I’m 21 and only been drinking 2 years, maybe 8-16 units a night.

I just recently went around 3 weeks without drinking but fucked it a couple nights ago when I had a beer, so now I’m at square one again. I doubt that will be the last time I screw it up but as long as I’m not drinking everyday I think that’s all that counts

joeburger profile image
joeburger in reply to

Hi Ashley, Wow !!!

Reading your story is exactly like my own, I lost jobs, friends, my dignity and stupidly my driving licence. I would drink a box of wine a day and whatever else I could get my hands on for 7 years or so.

I was detoxed in hospital and told one more drop of alcohol would kill me, harsh words but I needed to hear it. I had damaged my liver so badly I needed a transplant.

I had my transplant a year ago at the end of this month. And I've been sober for nearly 2 years.

The worst for me was the pain and anguish I caused my lovely mum.

Keep up all your good work, you look fantastic.

All my best wishes


Jimmywaz profile image
Jimmywaz in reply to

Ash your story is unbelievably similar to mine!!! I could of wrote it myself, what stage are u at?

Jimmywaz profile image
Jimmywaz in reply to

Think I replied to the wrong post but your story is unbelievabley similar to mine, what stage are you at?

alfredthegreat profile image

Hi Ash, the difference is remarkable. Well done you. It just shows what determination can do. You are looking really well now.

Those bright clear eyes speak volumes.

This will give others so much inspiration.



Thanks Alf, that was my aim really , with all that's going on and people getting more and more worried, depressed or using substances to cope. There is a light at the end of the tunnel even in the darkest ones, I never thought I could do it but we all got a little fighting spirit in us when we think all is lost. I don't wanna go on and sound like I'm condescending in any way just trying to bring a little bit of hope for ones who see none. Plus all my groups are shut due to this COVID so I had to share somewhere, talking to myself first sign of madness, if that's the case, straight jackets are in the post lol. Take care


alfredthegreat profile image
alfredthegreat in reply to

I'm sure that it will bring a lot more than a little bit of hope!

As for talking to yourself, no arguments that way :-) :-)

CarpeDiem11 profile image

This is very impressive. I had to check twice to make sure it was the same person. You look much younger in the after picture and this set of pictures would serve as a useful reminder for others as to what they could achieve if they gave up their alcohol addiction. I think you could be a poster boy in GP surgeries.

Well done for maintaining such a difficult way of life, as I'm sure it was not easy. Talking to yourself is the only way to guarantee a sensible conversation. Your pictures and story will give many who read hope😊

Dogbot profile image

Well done Ashley you have done a great job, it’s fantastic to see 👍.

Keep safe

Dogbot 🐶🌈

ThreeSmiles profile image

That is absolutely brilliant Ashley - that must have taken exceptional willpower so well done you!👍.


Beture47 profile image

Hi you look amazing well done you I should imagine you are feeling amazing to

Great story


jacobsmum24 profile image

Twit twoo - look at you ! Just as well you are in lockdown and not out dancing or you would be fighting the girls off !!

Seriously you have done an amazing job, not only with abstinence but with weight loss too. I am managing the alcohol free lifestyle well enough but cant seem to crack the chocolate free lifestyle too especially at the moment.

Cant wait to here how much your LFTs have improved, I bet your consultant will be stunned.


Whoopii Ashley! Congratulations on your amazing achievement! 🎖🎖🎖

Cat-B profile image

Well done, you look great. I had the opposite problem I lost most of my muscle mass as was drinking and not eating! You’re so right I had to have a lot of help post my 3 week stay, that was 3 years ago in June, it still took me a long time to stop , but next week I’ll have been dry for a year.

Doesn’t matter how long or slow the journey, baby steps and you will get there.

Look at our wonderful Captain Tom’s incredible achievement by walking short distances with his frame.

Stay safe x

Laura009 profile image

Hi Ash .. what an incredible turn around you look amazing. You have every right to be proud. So glad you posted this you truely will inspire others who maybe dither over giving up alcohol. Like you say you still have to live with the disease and you are living with it rather than dying of it. Stay fit and healthy my man

Lots of love

Laura xx

Thank you all for the lovely messages I'm truly taken back, you fine people really have helped me along the way with much needed advice and what I need to ask and look out for with my diagnosis. Everyone should be proud of how there doing and how there helping others on here, as trust me it's a massive help. I just hope we can all come out soon, with this lockdown being lifted and lives not being lost at the rate they are, and once again another big thank you to the NHS and all the others behind the scenes who have saved my life and many others, without you, the country in which we live just wouldn't function it's as simple as that. Angels do walk among us......

All the best everyone, I'll raise a glass of coffee and it wont be a Irish one lol. Take care all.


Well done mate. You look so well, I take my hat off too you. Chris

Kristian profile image

Great to see this post. Shows what can be done.

Great job. Very well done 👍👍

Ukgnome profile image

You look fantastic mate!

davianne profile image

Bloody hell Ash, you look like a different bloke 👍👍👍. You are an inspiration to others here, on how to turn your life around.....good on ya. Let us know how the liver tests are, when you get the results.


Pussycat65 profile image

Looking good

Good afternoon Ashw88,

Congratulations on your abstinence.

You look really well !

Thank you for sharing- I am sure it will provide hope and inspiration for others.

Keep up the good work !



I am just going to message you.


kyia profile image

Your "before and after" are a real inspiration to all of us!

briccolone profile image

Good job ash - well done

Artemis61 profile image

Well done Ash, you look amazing! I'm so glad you're on the road to recovery. My brother was admitted last October and we nearly lost him. He's home now and rebuilding his life, alcohol free. So proud ❤️

Caz013 profile image

You look fantastic, well done. You look so handsome and healthy on the right and much younger. It’s great you shared this, not just in turning your life around re alcohol but it gives inspiration for kicking other bad habits. Onwards buddy!!

Lola50 profile image

Hi Ash, only just seen this, what an amazing transformation, you look healthy and handsome, you've shown that anyone can do this if they're determined. Wishing you the best xx

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