Has anyone experienced high GGT (x5 limit) and been told it is due to extra weight, particularly around belly? My BMI is 28 and I do carry more around my belly, post-baby. Weirdly, my GGT can go completely back to normal and then 5x the limit two weeks later.
GGT high belly fat: Has anyone... - British Liver Trust
GGT high belly fat

Yea post transplant I seem to have that problem. Thought something supernatural had happened, nine months, nope, aah elephants 🐘 theirs is two years, two years, nope, just gone four years, next excuse, well you ever try get stuff back in a box when you taken it out, never fits back does it, well that’s my answer to myself. Will have to ask at next appointment. Hope all works out.
Hey chuggers
Had to read your post through at least twice till I got what you meant - I blame HE - not yours - mine! 👎
As long as you don’t have an incisional hernia chugs - I do and look 7 months preggers - op was cancelled two days beforehand due to CV.... so heaven only knows how big by who knows when because I’m sure it’s growing 😀...
Wait Miles, are you saying the hernia is what's making you look preggo?? I honestly don't know, I did find out recently that l had one too (umbilical hernia), does that make your stomach stick out?? Hallelujah, l have been wondering why my waistline is so large, l mean in comparison to the rest of me.
Good morning,
High GGT can be related to having fat in the liver but not exclusively so - there can be other reasons. It would be worth discussing with your medical team/GP what they think the reason is that your results normalise periodically. Have you had a scan of your liver to see if there is any fat in it ?

Yes I have spoken to 3x doctors who are very confused. Ultrasound shows no fat in liver. I do take SSRIs so will ty stop these and see if it helps. Also losing weight and staying off alcohol.
Please be careful about stopping SSRI's without having first discussed with your doctor. In general these type of medicationes should be gradually reduced. Well done for making the lifestyle changes you mention.

Yes - thanks for the heads-up. I have discussed with my Doc and have gone off them before (nice and slowly) so Will be ok. Mostly the yo-yo GGT and ALT results are very worrying for me because I’m scared serious damage is or has being done, especially because I drank 2-3 glasses wine most nights throughout my 20s (no longer). My docs have no idea what is wrong!
A bit of a mystery ! Important that you are followed up though. Perhaps your team would consider referring you to a liver specialist if they cannot get to the bottom of why your results are abnormal
Yes - pending! Hopefully they can figure it out. Thank you ☺️
Yes my GGT has been as high as that. And I wasn’t particularly overweight at that point. Mine is due to non alcoholic fatty liver disease (despite the fact I eat a low fat diet), so you probably need your ALT checked via a blood test or a full lipid profile done which will check all the fats like triglycerides and cholesterol too. Mine were all high. Found about 12 years ago and on various meds for all the issues. Despite all mine still being 2 or 3 times what they should be, it’s stable for me. I have regular blood tests and scans.
Thanks! Yes, my ALT dodges from slightly above normal (1-2 times) to 5x above the upper normal range. Cholesterol is high overall but the ratio is acceptable due to high 'good cholesterol' levels. Looks like I need to get my BMI under 25 and see what happens! Thanks for all of your help and replies.