Does my brother have to isolate for 12 weeks? He has cirrhosis
Cirrhosis : Does my brother have to... - British Liver Trust
Hi Tess, I don't know what the rules are in the UK, but "self-isolation" is being encouraged here in America. I have compensated cirrhosis and even though l am well, I am sure you know how low platelets and other things can be cause for extra measures to safeguard his health. Common sense would be to limit the number of community contacts IMHO.
As a charity we cannot make specific medical recommendations or assess personal risk. We would advise that you follow NHS and government guidance.
The government also released guidance on social distancing for older people and vulnerable adults, Chronic liver disease is noted, We would suggest you carefully read this.
I have also attached the link to our webpage where we have useful general information and 'frequently asked questions' from people contacting us about Covid-19. Here is the link:
If you have specific medical queries regarding your own specific risk, we would suggest to speak with your own doctors
Hi, I have cirrhosis (compensated) and spoke to my liver consultant on Tuesday. He said while my bloods where ok ( not changed for a good while) and looking after myself he thought I was at no greater risk than anyone else, however being diabetic and having Sarcoidosis of the lymph nodes means I am staying away from anyone just in case.
Hi Tess, I, like your brother, have cirrhosis, and I am isolating. I am 72 years old, as well, so fit into the "at Risk" category. Cirrhosis sufferers have very poor immune systems, so, yes, he should isolate.
Hi David, thanks for the message my brother also called David! Is struggling to understand what the “fuss” is about. He also has hepatic encephalopathy, so this is this reason behind his thinking I’m sure. He’s only 39 but smokes, he has been sober for 3 years. I really am trying to get in to isolate.