1. Be respectful and courteous
Our forum is a safe and supportive place for people to visit, please always comment with respect for everyone in mind.
2. No bullying or trolling
Content should never be abusive, derogatory, sexually explicit or suggestive, contain offensive language or be deliberately misleading. If you believe someone else’s content violates this rule, please report it via the “Report Abuse” option or via the “Feedback” button
3. Respect everyone’s privacy
Please remember that content on the forum is often sensitive and should not be discussed outside of the forum.
4. Don’t take personal beliefs as facts
There are many forms of liver disease and each journey is different. Please remember that what may have worked for you, may not be appropriate for someone else. For this reason we ask members not to post specific medical test results.
5. Keep communication transparent
British Liver Trust is not responsible for, and cannot moderate or comment on, the exchange of communication via private message between forum members.
6. Referring to other sources of information
Generally our policy is not to allow people to refer, promote or direct people to websites other than our own. The exception is Government sites; NHS sites such as NHS Choices or other trusted registered charity sites that we know have met information standards and are accredited. Links to useful time specific news items or research may be permitted subject to moderator discretion.
7. This is not a forum for medical advice
The information posted on this site should not be used as a means of diagnosis, determining treatment, nor replace the relationship between you, your doctors and other healthcare professionals. For diagnosis and treatment options, you should always first consult your doctor.
8. Promotion of products and services, self-promotion, spam and irrelevant links are not permitted.
9. No use of specific healthcare professionals by name
Do not post anything mentioning specific doctors or health care professionals by name as there could be legal implications for the author of the post and the forum should that post develop into something contentious or libellous.
10. Do not disclose personal information
For your own safety online, we strongly recommend you do NOT disclose personal information such as your full name, email address, home address, telephone number, or any other information which could directly or indirectly identify you.