I had my gallbladder out in 2014 and I was fine afterwards (usual pains for a fre months). Fast forward to December 2018 and I started with some pain and discomfort similar to my gallbladder pain. I thought it was due to over indulging on the mince pies. Anyway in March this year I was admitted to hospital with terrible pains, burning sensation, stinging, feels like the liver is moving around. They sent me home saying they couldn't find much (at the time they said my bile duct was enlarged). So I've been having pain on and off since March. I finally received my outpatient appointment a few weeks ago and the consultant said my blood liver results were up whilst I was in hospital in march. He wants me to have an MRI and to be put to sleep for a camera down my throat to check my bile ducts.
So friday last week I was in agony, worse than March when I was admitted into hospital. I've been to my GP this morning and I've had more bloods taken and stronger pain relief. I'm feeling dreadful and in pain.
My MRI is booked for august, no date for my genersl anaesthetic to do the camera as of yet.
Im really anxious now. This pain isnt normal and I'm struggling to sleep. I keep going to the mirror expecting jaundice or something.
My mum died of secondary liver cancer when she was 52 and I'm in a panic
Why are tests taking so long, what if there is something bad and I've been waiting months to get diagnosed.
Has anyone else felt this bad?
I'm.seeung my GP in a weeks time to get today's blood results.
Thank you for letting me waffle on