Hi guys, just wondering if any of you have suffered chronic kidney failure following your liver transplant. Just been referred by my GP to nephrology, getting really worried. Just coming up to 2 yr liverversary.
Kidney failure following liver transpl... - British Liver Trust
Kidney failure following liver transplant.

I wouldn't know, I have no experience and Im so sorry you are suffering like this. I hope they can sort you out quickly.
Just want to wish you all the very best.
Love Laura xx
Me 😏 I have just been told a couple of months ago from my nephrology consultant I will need a kidney transplant in the future... But don't panic they will find out what is causing the problem, mine is the anti rejection tablets but they can't change the meds I am on due to having low platelets and a low white blood count... So if it is your meds unless you have the same problem as me they will change them... Do you know what stage you are? If not what is your efgr? Its on blood results letter
Hi Jojokarak, reading between the lines I think it's stage 3b, my egfr is between 39 and 40 but GP said creatinine is going up as well. Haven't seen anyone yet, will speak to docs in QE in a few weeks as well to see what they suggest. Just stressing big time now, had my transplant for pbc and thought things would get better. Some things are gone like varices but you're left with a whole load of other problems. Not that I'm ungrateful for one minute.
Hope you're keeping well
Michelle x
Your same as me then x.... I have cut out dairy and red meat and upped my intake of water and my results have improved.
Leeds don't get involved with my kidneys, that's why they sent me to the kidney guy... But my new kidney consultant reassured me a lot, he said there is a lot more they can do for the kidneys than the liver and it takes a lot longer to need treatment (I hope it's the same in your case 😊)
Which anti rejection are you on?
I'm on program 3.5 mg in morning and 3mg at night and azathioprine 100 mgs. I hope it will be same for me. I haven't had any dietary advice yet. I like to eat dairy cos I was osteopoenic before transplant so God knows what it's like now. So glad they're really helping you. Did they give you any sort of time scale to needing a kidney xx
I know sirilimious is a kidney anti rejection and they have been switching liver patients to it because its kinder on the kidneys I hope they try you on it 😉
And no time frame given I think it's a bit unpredictable as with everything lol I just doing as much as I can again food and keeping fit but I could be fine for years, just being closely monitored as usual and to be honest I hardly think about it as long as I get up in the morning and I feel OK it's all good x
Hi, my kidneys were badly damaged due to tacrolimus and valganciclivir within weeks of my transplant, many drug changes and lots of intravenous fluids. Now 2 years post creatinine is still high and egfr low but stable. Now take just 1mg tacrolimus twice daily and 750mg mycophenolate twice daily. It is fairly common, drink lots of water.