Defeated.... Thats what I feel when I wake every motning with burning eyes and that throbing pain in my side. My liver location always seems to be in pain. 24/7 ......pain. Ive tried everything, even with routine and balanced enzyme levels, I cant seem to rid of the pain. I have enlarged liver and enlarged spleen due to hep c exposure....I only had hep c for exactly one year....why am I dealing with such heavy symptoms already. I was cured of hep c. The pain is like a side stitch a very painful one...that moves location around my liver location...sometimes behind it...most of the time almost exactly where youd think gallbladder would be. I also get these dry eyes with the pain, and darker urine...all i drink is a gallon a day... ehat could cause this...also can ridels lobe cause discomforts?
Broken Liver, what do I do now!? - British Liver Trust
Broken Liver, what do I do now!?

Hi Liversliver, sorry to hear of your current issues, you seem to have a lot going on.
First off you say you had Hepatitis C for a year. Was it treated and have you been deemed virus free? It doesn't just go away on it's own so was just wondering about the treatment you had.
Are you having regular follow up checks, pain from the liver is unusual unless it is inflamed and stretching the Glisson's Capsule that encloses that liver or indeed so enlarged as to be pressing on other organs.
What tests have been done by doctors to try and identify the source of your pain?
Has your gall bladder been checked?
Sorry for all the questions, it is just to try and get an angle on where you are medically just now, what tests you've been having and to ascertain if you are under any specialist just now.
I was treated and cured. No history of liver issues ...I drank sometimes..but it was rare (not anymore Test they have done were limited as my labs returned to normal after treatment)....i have no clue whats going on. 29 and limited ability to work...its kinda frustrating. All I know is every test is clear. Slightly enlarge liver and spleen with ridels lobe, as it mentions it reaches my iliac crest?
You need to see your doctor and try to get to the bottom of this, scans perhaps, further blood tests. It isn't normal to have that degree of pain around the liver & even your Riedel's Lobe shouldn't cause issues. Perhaps your gall bladder needs investigating - there is certainly something going on.
What country are you in? I only ask because of differences in health care systems around the world and I know that in the UK Hep C treatment has often not been made available to patients unless they were already quite symptomatic with cirrhosis.
You should still be receiving follow up even after successful Hep C treatment. 6 monthly liver scans and such like.
Do push your doctors for full diagnostic tests as you can't go on like this, as you note you are very young to be incapacitated.
All the best, Katie
Im in the usa btw.
Ive been dealing with this since i was 24. Its crazy its been 5 years and no real answers have been given. I dont suppose you know of alternatives as im a us citizen...but my medical coverage is limited because I can barely work.
I am in the US, as well, and have some suggestions:
Have you applied for Medicaid (reduced or free health care for low-income Americans)?
Have you applied for Disability? (You must be patient to get Disability, because almost everyone is denied the first time as a matter of course. But if you persist, you may have luck.)
Have you considered going to an ER in an urban teaching hospital? If you tell me what city and state you live in I can help you find one. Such hospitals are required to treat all patients regardless of ability to pay… It is part of their mission statement. The next time your pain is severe, you could go to such an ER and get treated.
Finally, have you applied for Obamacare? If you are low-income, you will receive a subsidy to purchase it.
All the best to you; sorry for your pain.☹️
Hi there and welcome to the forum. I'm sorry that you are in such pain. I don't know much about hep c but I'm sure that someone on here with knowledge of Hep c will speak to you soon. what I do know is that if you have any problems with your liver it is best to eat healthily, drink plenty of fluids (you are already doing this!) and do not drink alcohol as alcohol is a toxin to the liver and will make things much worse. I hope that you will be feeling much better soon. Best wishes. Alf
Hi there sorry to hear your in pain.but unfortunately I was told the spleen pain is something you’ll have to live with.i was in a similar position were I’ve a enlarged spleen and for the past five years suffered with the same pain especially after work at night.even though I’ve just had a liver transplant I’m still in pain.i was told it may shrink a little so I don’t know really.i wish you all the best anyway.
Hi, and welcome to our merry band. I too have upper abdomen pain both sides inside my rib cage. My consultant hepatologist said it was not liver related, but I knew different. At my last appointment with him a week ago, he finally admitted that it was probably the Glissons Capsule giving the pain due to my enlarged liver and spleen. He didn't offer any treatment for it, so I am now taking paracetamol, and using an electric heat pad which helps a bit. Sorry I can't offer any better solution to your pain.
Take care,
I get exactly the same as you. I've got enlarged liver and spleen, the liver stretches the capsule hence all the pain you are in. One consultant said mine was muscular, I knew different . It was the following year that I was diagnosed. I've been getting this pain for nearly 5 years!! My lfts are normal but I've been told that they can be normal but your liver might not be ok. Hope you feel better soon. Take care Lynne