There were periods when I was drinking everyday I wondered if I would ever stop. Thank goodness I was able to return to normalcy. I was bad for a while. During one of my ugly unemployment stretches I would wait outside the bar for it to open at 3. And when that beer first hit my lips it felt so good. Now I'm kind of embarrassed I was ever at that stage.
When I'm in I'm all in and when I'm o... - British Liver Trust
When I'm in I'm all in and when I'm out I'm pretty muchbout

3 pm? That’s nothing! We used to line up outside the offie at 6 am. It was illegal to sell alcohol till 7 am but the owners knew us! Then we would go to the ancient graveyard up the hill and drink till 10 am. Then brekkie and a sleep. Then start again in the late afternoon.
But that was the old me. The new me is suffering because of those “good” times. What’s done is done though. I’ve had no booze for 26 months now. If I can get thru it then anyone can.
If you can get through man flu, there are no limits on what can be accomplished.
You still on the shandies
Doesn't make you a bad person mate. We all have a coping mechanism. Not all are advisable, but at the time it was what you needed. Don't be down on yourself, jeez we're ordinary people. look at Michael Jackson, Prince, Heath Ledger. They all died from what they were prescribed by a doctor. You stay strong. You have identified the issue whatever it was and you are now on here giving others like me, strength. Good on you.