I applied for pip at the end of January and expected a long wait. I was stunned to receive a letter today informing me that I will have a face to face consultation at my home. I didn't request a home visit but it's at least being done soon.
Pip: I applied for pip at the end of... - British Liver Trust

I hope that your succesful and wishing you all the best.
Don't want to dampen your spirits but don't get too excited about this. We went through the same experience. The lady who came appeared to be lovely,she was actually a paramedic & did this as well. She seemed lovely,chatty & had several coffees ( Biscuits too ). When we received a copy of her report it was as though we had been in a different interview to her. I would suggest that if possible you have someone with you to take notes. We appealed with help from Citizens Advice & happy to say we were successful. Hope all goes better for you. xx
Probably she thought you didn't need PIP cos you were capable of making her a cup of tea, nothing surprises me with them, including lies, often they can be friendly, then you discover different when the report comes through. Glad you got it eventually though.
Good luck Deb, be on your guard and consider your answers carefully. Have someone there to open the door and make the tea.
Hope all goes ok ! 🤞🤞.my pip review is this year🙄.good luck x
Request before they come that you want it recorded and you want to record it yourself x
Thanks for all your replies. I don't expect to get pip first time round but I will appeal if necessary. Deb
How sad..... please I know the system is broken and sometimes my 10 year old nephew can do a better job with the face to face assessment; but please don’t start at ground zero with the mindset that you will not get PIP the first time round. Like the others said, have someone with you, ask for the assessment to be recorded and most important; answer al the questions based on how you feel on your worst day. If at any point the assessor is dumb enough to say that you don’t look sick; ask him/her to describe exactly what “sick” looks like as there is no point in weeping , wailing and rolling on the floor and blowing your nose in a targeted manner to get snot and God knows what all over her. 😤
As others say, don't get your hopes up too much, whatever you cannot do, make sure you explain this, when you need help with things, say this. You may get trick questions too, so yes, as someone said, be on your guard. But good luck, is better for you to have it done at home i think. Good luck.
I have sent you a PM with the details of what Benefits and Work say about Face-to-Face assessments and how to 'play it'. REMEMBER the word BUT. If you get a closed question with a Yes or No answer always follow it up with but I have these limitations or such like. Sadly, you are being judged and watched from the first second. So don't posh yourself up for the day, no makeup etc. Make absolutely no special effort. If you struggle with household chores don't tidy up just 'cos they are coming to your home. If you've said something in your form then make sure you stick to that. People have come a cropper in their own home assessments bending down to pets etc.
Wishing you the very best of luck with it. Hopefully you kept a copy of your How your disability affects you form and you can re-read it and make sure you stick to it.
It depends on the assessor on the day, we had one stinker and the zero point decision (upgraded to enhanced daily living at tribunal) and one cracker who even went out of her way to look for points resulting in a straight forward award of enhanced daily living and basic rate mobility which was recently renewed on paper at review.
Good luck.
Katie x
I'm wondering if I should offer tea or not. My husband will be here so he can brew up but you just don't know which way to go. No tea = I'm going to refuse her application because she's not hospitable or offer tea = well things are fine there, they're managing so I'll refuse her application 😵
Hi Debs. Let your husband do any fetching and carrying and you stay in a chair. If they ask you to bend to touch the floor then ask if they are going to pick you up after and see to any wounds. Answer everything as in worse case scenario. I remember when I was really weak and tired on daily chemo tabs, yes I could probably put an egg on to boil but I would more than likely sit down and fall asleep then and wake to an explosion in the kitchen. (happened on 3 occasions). I was banned from doing anything in the kitchen when I set the kitchen roll on fire with the electric wok! Just think carefully about your answers because I'm sure that they think that every applicant is trying to get one over on them! I told them that I could handle running the household accounts. When the woman had gone my wife said "Why did you say that? at the moment if I handed all that over to you then you wouldn't have a clue because you can't concentrate and you fall asleep" . So I would say read through all the questions on the forms before the assessor comes and think to yourself if it's is something that you can do for yourself, then can you do it every day without assistance. Hope this is of some help. Very best of luck with it. Alf
I was warned that they will ask a question and then ask it a different way to see if I give the same answer
It happened to me but I had been warned. I got standard on both. Good luck xxxx
A friend of a friend who had been a nurse for over 30 years went to work for Atos but only managed 3 days before she had to leave. She said she couldn't in all conscious deny people who needed help but it was what she was expected to do. Two of my neighbours have motability cars. One of them takes his two border collies for an hour walk every morning and travels miles towing his caravan to judge at dog shows. The other neighbour climbs up ladders to trim his 14 foot high conifers which surround his house on three sides. ????
Unfortunately it's people like your neighbours that make it so difficult for the genuine cases. They are brass necked and know how to work the system and I dare say put on a really good act on assessment day! You'll be ok Debs just be very firm about your disabilities and explain things inside out so you are 100% sure they are getting the message you are endeavouring to put across. Alf
Great advice Alf. In addition I would say to take some pictures of your neighbours trimming the conifers and take it with you to the assessment. I cant stand people who take advantage of the system.

Unfortunately there are too many of them and not enough investigators!
Hi. Good luck with the assessment. Lots of good advice has been given on here. I don’t think there is anything I can think of to add. Just be on your guard and wish you the best of luck x
Hi, Deb - You’ve already received great advice on here - I just want to wish you all the best in carrying through with these great suggestions. I hope you get good sleep tonight and perhaps do deep breathing, both today and tomorrow, any time you feel anxiety coming on. Remember that it’s completely normal to feel stressed about this. Sometimes “normalizing” an emotion can reduce it’s negative effect on you. If you are able, report back so we all know how things went. All the best - you’ve got a lot of us pulling for you. 🌺
Thankyou all for your excellent advice and encouragement. You are all fab friends and I appreciate every one of you. 💓
Please remember that not all examiners are evil, some are really great, and do a fantastic job. My face to face went really well, and she refused to get me to do any physical tasks as she said they didn't have any hoists etc to get me up again if I fell. She made me feel at ease and was patient when I had to stop and think before I answered. She assured me that she was not taking it as 'oh another one making sure he gives the 'right answer'', and true t her work, gave an honest opinion of my state. I got enhanced care and basic mobility, first time applying, so some are fair and honest, so I hope you get one of the good guys.
Be honest, tell them about your worst days, but don't claim you can't do something that you can easily do everyday, you may end up 'tripping yourself up', but do emphasis the worst scenarios for yourself, after all our good days are well outnumbered by our bad days.
Also make sure you have someone with you, I had my husband, and he was allowed to speak, in fact she encouraged him to participate when I was struggling, remember they see you at your worst, they can fill in gaps that you can't. Don't let the assessor tell you they can't speak, because with your permission they can.
If you record it, make sure you have two recorders and give them a copy, someone else on another PIP forum confirmed that digital copies (although perfectly acceptable in a court, cause issues for PIP people - why no-one can explain)
Excellent advice here! 👍
Hubby getting his second face to face on Monday. They do home visits if your too ill to travel. He gets pip but I kept writing back then filled out another form as he is sick much iller than standard. We will see what happens this time.
I applied for pip for my brother and he was successful in receiving the benefit. When I completed the form I had to keep remembering that it was when he was at his worst and the nurse at the ward helped me as well. I was shocked when he was successful as we had heard of so many people who weren't. It is just as well as cos he is under 65 he is not entitled to free homecare so all of his pip goes towards that, I'd hate to think how he'd manage if he hasn't got it. Good luck with your interview and remember it's how you are on your worst day. 🍀🤞🏻
What is 'PIP' ?
Hi Ron. This is what Google says:
Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is a benefit for people who may need help with daily activities or getting around because of a long-term illness or disability. ... PIP has replaced Disability Living Allowance for anyone making a new claim.
Hi - I applied for PIP back in 2017 and I was successful, it was up for review this year and I had a home visit. The lady who came to see me was a former nurse, there were a set number of questions but it felt more like a discussion as opposed to an interview. I At my interview back in 2017 when I first applied for PIP I looked at how everything affected my day to day life, things that I could do before but as a result of my disability I can longer do. I think you really have to get it across how much this has impacted on your life and those around you who may have had to assume the role as your carer which brings significant challenges to both of you.
I was told last week I had been successful, I wish you luck with your consultation.
So how long were you awarded pip in 2017? It seems very soon to have to be reassessed. I know that if you're awarded higher rate mobility you have to have 3 years in order to get a mobility car.
I was awarded pip in June 2017, enhanced, due for review this year, I'm undrr the impression that the dwp start the renewal 12 months in advance?
The renewal form is now a shortened version of the How Your Disability affects you form. For each of the descriptors it asks if things have worsened, improved or stayed the same. In a lot of hubbies descriptors they had 'stayed the same' or worsened in which case I ticked these boxes (the form then says to move on) DON'T. Still give as much detail in each of the writing boxes (I ended up including more pages). Still qualify each of the descriptors as to how your illness affects these things. Imagine that the reader has no access to your earlier forms or decision letters, they are just going on some tick boxes. Almost guarantees you'll need another face-to-face. Doing the renewal form with detail got my hubby a renewal on paper rather than another face-to-face.
The Benefits and Work website as always has step by step instructions on competing the paperwork for renewal.
Best wishes, Katie
Thank you Katie for your valuable advice, I was unsure on what to expect , my conditon is the same but I have new chronic conditions that were found post first pip assesment,
I will go on to check on the benefits website about how to write things . Hope hubby is ok !
Linda x
Sorry for the late reply, I was awarded PIP for 2 years in 2017 with the understanding that this would be reviewed in 2019 and I may need to attend a face to face assessment. The disability I have is a neurological disease which can improve significantly - almost to the point where you are fully mobile and pain free so I understand why this would be reassessed within 2 years. If the disability is considered long term I'm not sure if the person is awarded a longer period of time.
Really? 😧I thought you only needed to scale that mountain ⛰ Now we need 3 years as well? Sometimes I just don’t get their reasoning. If I’m disabled; have asthma, one wonky side, battling Fibromyalgia and Endometriosis. I’ve had at least 35 surgeries and surgical procedures, 4 cardiac arrests and the partridge in a pear tree 🌳 ; nothing short of a miracle can cause me to change my answers from negative to positive.
If I ever grow a new rectum or colon, I promise I will submit myself for an internal investigation by the Paramedic,
Nurse, the Psychiatrist (I saw who as he read the reports from my Consultants told me it’s not possible for one person to have so many medical problems) or all 3 of them can have a go!!
Over and Out.
offer her a tea then tell her to make it herself as you are unable to
My wife gets PIP and it was hard work to you all if you get PIP and it is for mobility you can get a car you lose some or maybe all of your PIP payment but you get a new car
Hoping things went well, Deb?
I just finished writing my response which I started last night. I’ve read through a few of them and I feel so sad that we have to go through all this just to get what should be given to us. Our lives are already very difficult, complex and painful.
It should not be so difficult.
I tend to shy away from Home Assessment because it’s a familiar place and we have adapted to living there and finding ways of doing things. eg We know which side of the table we can hold on to for support as we get up from the chair, and which side of the wall to walk against. Your dog may jump onto the sofa and shuffle on your lap but it can eadily be seen as; you stretched (almost leaping) and caught your dog in mid air when she jumped and did a double back flip and summersaulted landing safely in your arms 😂😂😂😂
In the Assessment Centre, everything is foreign and a bit daunting so there’s no chance of good old fluffy doing any acrobatic