Getting a mortgage post transplant - British Liver Trust

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Getting a mortgage post transplant

Divg profile image
8 Replies

Does anyone have any experience of getting a mortgage post transplant? Partner and I are looking to buy a new house (baby is now 10 months and we'd like another in the future). Partner is only 4 months out from tx but is doing well so far (except for a white count that just won't rise).

We'd probably be buying in about a year's time but he's stressing about not being able to get a mortgage because getting life insurance is nigh on impossible for transplant recipients.

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8 Replies

Hi Divg and welcome to this phenomenal 😁 forum

It’s 🐴’s years since we first got a mortgage and you certainly didn’t need life insurance then. I have never been able to get life insurance due to other non liver related issues. But Banks were falling over to give out mortgages in the 70s.

So is it not possible to get a mortgage these days without life insurance or is it the fear of not bing able to repay the mortgage if something not nice happened?

Not that knowing this is any way helpful but may help get the replies you need from this forum!

Good luck to you both whatever the answer.


Hi Divg

We do have a page on our website on insurance that may help? You could possibly discuss your queries with one of the companies?

Here is the link;

Warm wishes



As far as I know, life insurance is not required in order to obtain a mortgage. My wife and I took out a new mortgage in January last year, just over a year post transplant. I didn't declare I've had a transplant since I've been running my own business for the past 7 years so there were no gaps in employment. The deposit was paid from my critical illness settlement so I don't think they care tbh as long as you can afford the repayments. As for life insurance, I've just signed up with MetLife, the only insurance company I found that would take me on and didn't ask any health questions.

Good luck!

in reply to

Hi Klodian (spelt wrong again I bet 👎🏻) metlife “only” protects you wrt accidents and not illness (no surprise I’m sure if they don’t ask medical questions lol) do you agree? I can’t concentrate long enough these days to read thoroughly ☹️.


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Hi Miles

You got the name right, extra points for that 😊. It's true most of Multi Protect from MetLife is really just accident cover but it also covers HIV, Septicaemia caused by MRSA, Hepatitis C, Bacterial

Meningitis,Tuberculosis, Hepatitis B, Clostridium difficile infection (whatever that is 😁), some cancers and hospital admissions due to accident or illness. Death is only covered if accidental. Not life cover as such but certainly better than nothing in my book especially considering other providers wouldn't offer any insurance at all.

I'd better start counting them 🐑🐏🐑🐏🐑 now 😴💤💤💤


in reply to

Oh only those problems Klodian. Hmm that’s not much good then!




.Joke 😁 (Poor one as per)

Thanks for helping a decrepit old man out!


Radnor profile image

If getting another mortgage is dependent of Mortgage Protection insurance, Have you considered increasing the size of your current home? It would not be as expensive as moving plus you may get a more sympathetic consideration from your current lender? You would benefit from more space and add value to your current home. Plan B's are often worthwhile. Hazelx

ZakICarey profile image

I initially understood that I would need to take out a loan after the operation because my finances were not enough to pay all the medical expenses. I didn't want to go into debt, which is why I turned to Mortgage Broker Cambridge. This specialist helped me to cope with this difficult situation, he told me how best to act and described all the details of such loans. I think that it would be useful for you to also contact him, he will definitely help you cope with this, and tell you how it will be better. Try it here

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