Has somebody been prescribed spironalactone and furosemide together? If yes,are you taking it at the same time of day? thanks
spironalactone plus furosemide - British Liver Trust
spironalactone plus furosemide

I was taking both when I came out of hospital for a good period of time and I took them both together with no problems.
Good luck.
Yes , i was in hospital and suffering ascites even after 2 drains, took them both together at the same time, was regulated for kidney function .
Worked well for me 👍🏻.
Hope all goes well
I was on both, taken together. Unlike the other answers, it did affect my kidneys. One was dropped, the other one reduced. I was drained every three weeks, nothing could be done about the oedema. I went off to my transplant with two tree trunks. I could not wear the stockings for surgery. All good now and another pleasure, I can wear normal shoes.

thank you very much! Wish you lots of health and strength
My husband takes them together but he has to have blood test to check kidney function - so only takes them when his feet swell and that works for him
I underwent an attempted transplant, which was aborted I have now been on both for 2 years now. I take them every morning at the same time and have not had any ascites. My kidneys appear to be working well.
Hi yeah I was on both for a fair time I took both meds at the same time n was never off the toilet ( which was a good thing ) found my cramps got worse so started to have tonic water before bed to help hope this info helps you
My late husband was he took them about a hour apart he had cirrhosis of the liver
Thank you very much for answering
Hi thewayforward,
My husband was on them both for a while and took them together, but he developed issues with his breast tissue developing and while our GP didn't know when we saw his liver doctor he took him off the spironolactone because that was causing the breast tissue to develop and put him on a different drug in combination with the furosimide, which he still takes.
Best wishes to you,
Yes I take them together.