Hi, I am in the process of being given a date for a three day assessment at Kings College even though I have had all the lung, heart, ct scan biopsy etc within the last three weeks. Is accommodation offered locally? We have to travel 170 miles each way. ( my hubby and I that is) we may get the train.
Pre assessment: Hi, I am in the process... - British Liver Trust
Pre assessment

I had my Assessment at QE hospital Birmingham. You get given a list of local B & Bs but can also stay on site in student like accommodation (it still costs!!)
Do it though because its not taxing but it is tiring (because of lots of waiting around 😁)
Oh and Ooops I forgot to say a big welcome to this forum!
Hi, yes Kings do offer accommodation. Through a hospital charity they have a house 100 meters down the road that has been converted into bedsits for families etc. But you must book. Check with the transplant team.
He Gfdee,
The assessment is done to get you on the transplant list and have the records held at Kings. You will meet the transplant team, it is very tiring but informative. I was in my local hospital, both consultants came from the RF, all tests were done and they wanted me well enough to get through the process. The journey is frustrating and I wonder why NHS computers can’t communicate with each other but that is the way it is. Very frustrating when you get called in for a scan etc.
On the accommodation side the RF pay for a local hotel for the assessment, it’s an early start and a long day. Now transplanted, still making the trip for clinic and pick up the medication, not available locally due to funding.
Good luck, it’s a lifetime journey but all being well, a bright future.
So right about the travel and lack of communication snoutie. What isc RF?
RF is the Royal Free in Hampstead, bit of a journey but not 170 miles. You good?
Yes thx! Well Mostly - but I have to be glass half full says ny wife 😁. Not half full of vimto I hasten to add 😁
Not a fan of Vimeo myself😩 Did you find out your taste buds changed?😭
I’m definitely not keen on Vimeo 😂 and Vimto is bad for you (not of course the REAL Vimto) but my vimto!
Vmto is my childish word for anything alcoholic

I had liver biopsy, ct scan, lung functions, heart monitor, cycle test bloods and still I have to do 3 days as the Kings College have to do their own tests. I fail to see why resources are not saved cost wisecand information not shared. Therefore only spending a day or a day and a half of consultation. Wierd. What a waste
Agree Gfdee,
Had all of that locally prior to assessment, it took 8 months, 3 admissions amounting to 50 days. This was to get me well enough to be assessed. Got listed but type B blood, so a long wait ahead. Raised the communication issue loads of times. The Royal Free can not even connect to my GP, hard copy only. RF explained that all tests needed to be on site, as you get called in quickly. I was working all the time, graphic files from Canada, assimilated in London and then transmitted onto Poland, all coordinated from my phone and we are talking big files, wetransfer anyone? What happened to the £8 billion project to bring everything together, back to paper, money gone, no one convicted. Get used to it I am afraid, especially when you go for an echo test or contrast scan. When you get transplanted, it will be a distant memory and you’ll saviour the fact that the NHS have saved your life. Once again, good luck with the assessment, I hope you are not to far from the transplant hospital.