Following on from my other post earlier today, I am a bit confused by some reading I have been doing today on this site and others. Many Fibroscan charts indicate that a score over 30kpa means you have a decompensated liver.
So I scored 75kpa on my last scan (the highest score possible) indicating I have a decompensated liver.
However my LFT's are normal again after being mildly high. I show no symptoms of a decompensated liver and from what I have read on here, it suggests my liver is compensated as it seems to be coping.
I have Hep C (currently Epclusa medication treatment) and used to drink heavily before April this year.
So the question I have is qhat actually do I suffer from? Compensated or decompensated!? Is it possible to have such a high Fibroscan result and still have a compensated liver, a liver that is coping!?