So my mum is 54, 55 on Christmas day. And as the title says she is dying, we brought her home on 25th August from hospital, after her being admitted on 2nd July, she has had seizures, the last one has left her bed bound and unable to communicate properly and now the palliative team have told us to prepare for the worse. She is hardly drinking, or eating, just sleeps really and i am breaking inside....
Mum has chronic alcohol liver disease ... - British Liver Trust
Mum has chronic alcohol liver disease and has weeks/days to live

So very sorry to hear of your predicament, hopefully as well as the palliative care team being involved you have all other helps you might need as mum becomes increasingly unwell. Maybe give the British Liver Trust helpline a ring, they are likely to be very helpful as regards what is needed for end of life care.
Look after yourself as this is going to be a stressful, upsetting and pretty awful time.
Much love,
I’m so sorry to hear your Mum is so ill. My Mum didn’t have a liver problem but at the end she was like your Mum. The only thing you can do is be there for her, in her lucid moments and support others in the family. This is only a short time, you have had 20 or more years with her. Think about those times when things get bad. I am pretty sure she won’t be in any pain, she’ll just be floating in and out of consciousness.
At one point I was in a coma and was very ill. However, unlike your Mum I was able to come back. I remember though that I wasn’t afraid, I realised I was likely to die and I felt so calm. Tired and calm. Cozy and warm too.
So when she does slip away please think about all the good times.
Sending you very massive hugs, my love. Pls pm me if you wish
It absolutely sucks you have to go through this. I lost my mom and it sucked she died from pancreatic cancer at 64 so older than your mom. The one thing that I have taken from her death that I was lucky to say goodbye, to hug her and tell her how much I loved her. Being able to give that extra hug and kiss and tell your mom you love her is really all you can do. Thinking of you
Your mum is so young so you can’t be very old yourself. It is awful to watch somebody fade away especially when you love them so much. I know that if I were your mum I would want to see your smiling face reassuring me that YOU are going to be ok. Saying goodbye to your baby is what is hard the pain and the dying part is much easier. I am sorry for your families pain take care of each other it effects us all differently x
So ,y mum is still with us was told yesterday that her organs are now failing and im so afraid that this is the end. It is awful to see her so weak, frail, she isnt eating, drinking, speaking or even opening her eyes ;-(
Its taken me a few weeks, but my mum lost her life on 18th January - I am broken
I am so sorry for your loss. Your mum is at peace now with no more discomfort or pain. You must look after yourself now. It's true what they say that time is a great healer. Eventually you will be able to think of your mum and remember the good times and smile. My very best wishes to you. Alf
So sorry for your loss Nickising.
My thoughts go out to you. Im so sorry for your loss. 😢
I am so sorry. Praying for your strength and healing 🙏💕♥️