Hi there, can anyone give me a bit of info please. My hubby has an assesment for transplant at the end of next month. He has ascities and will probibaly need drained again by then. Will they still do the assesment if he is full of fluid? He normally gets 15.5 ltrs drained every 4 weeks or so. Any info would be great fully recieved.
Assesment for transplant: Hi there, can... - British Liver Trust
Assesment for transplant

I would ask one of the coordinators but I don't see why not. He has to try and be as fit as he can manage. It is a really busy week x
I used to get up to 14litres drained every 3 weeks, it stopped suddenly after a year but the oedema remained bad. Got through the assessment, book in a drain a few days before you go.
The assessment is tiring but if his heart is good and he can do the stairs, you should get listed.
Good luck, the waiting and anxiety happens once the relief of being listed passes.
Hope it all works out for you.
I was assessed when full of fluid. I was being drained of 10 litres every two weeks. My assessment went ahead as planned and I was drained again not long after. Good luck.
Hi yulop
This is my opion and it clearly differs from others - but we are indeed all different!
The Assessment is a doddle, only tiring because you have to wait around a lot between tests and seeing consultants. I found it very “therapeutic” and even fell asleep during one of the tests. There’s nothing strenuous at all. Worst thing is the lung capacity test where you have to blow into a tube with all your might haha I’m hopeless at that.
So for Birmingham patients who are not inpatients you have one day of little chats and tests. This is to see if you can go forward to the two day assessment which is tiring only because, as I said, of the waiting imho. The waiting is mostly waiting to see the various specialists for a little friendly chat! And don’t forget you get sandwiches and other goodies for lunch 😁😁. It’s almost fun imho. I mean you’re looked after, treated like a human being, what more could you want 😁
Only problem is you have to find somewhere to stay overnight. We stayed in the Heritage building, very basic student like accommodation but 3 mins slow walk (I could only do a slow walk then 😬) to the get together room.
So all in all something to look forward to, not worry about!

Thank you Miles, I found out yesterday ERI has room I can book for £20 a night, once I have written confirmation of dates I will call and see if I can book it, also read the hospital gives you local b&b numbers, so that's all good. The boxer. Dog can go his holidays to my son in Glasgow for a week. I asked because hubby is so much more poorly when and just after drain.
Well, wish you both all the best! Which hospital is it? Yes I forgot Birmingham also give you list of B & Bs 😁

Edinburgh Royal. The hardest part of all this for me , is that he must be on a walk of shame. He won't tell anyone the truth of what's wrong with him. He's happy for people to know his kidneys aren't working properly, but doesn't want anyone knowing it's his liver. It's constant dodging the truth. It is effecting his kidneys, so it's not all lies.
Well, Yoiop, I fibbed to docs for years! Bad move, as I bet you’ve told hubby! Keep on telling him, hopefully it will sink in. Tell him it’s not a walk of shame (I felt that for a while, I laugh now and just say it’s self inflicted injury) - when you start going to the Assessment he will meet others in the same boat and that should cheer him up!
Good luck, you keep at him, for his own good 😁