Question for people with cirrhosis - British Liver Trust

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Question for people with cirrhosis

atvjoel profile image
4 Replies

Question for liver patients, did you have clay colored stool leading up to liver cirrhosis?

I have been sick for a long time well over a year and seems to be getting worse not better. I have had 2 CT scans, 2 ultrasounds and 1 xray of my abdomen. I do have a small collection of fluid in my abdomen but doctors say its not ascites. I am 28 years old and feel like I am 80 and I am not overweight but did drink beer everyday for several years. I Have issues with acid reflux, insomnia, anxiety, bloated abdomen, overall weakness, feel semi swollen on my right side, feel cold a lot, most days out of breath when doing simple tasks, nausea pretty consistently although some days better than others. I have no jaundice, stool generally normal brown although sometimes a little light brown depending on diet etc. My diet lately been some junk but at least some healthy fruits, nuts etc. I did mess up over the past several month and have drank beer several times but I am back on track no beer past few weeks and dont ever want to see it again.

I have had multiple blood tests with full panel everything and have even checked my thyroid all came back within normal range. My fasting blood sugar seems to be a little high in the morning in the "pre diabetes stage" but nothing to worry the doctors they didnt think anything of it.

One of my doctors said my liver blood test was "probably better than his" That was last year. I had another blood test a few months ago, clear of any abnormalities.

My thyroid came up normal but I do feel a pea size bump so maybe I should have an ultrasound of my thyroid next, but have hard time believing a thyroid could do all this to me especially when blood tests came up normal.

I have heard of a condition called a "leaky gut" I am looking into as I am sure beer does damage to digestive tract after several years of drinking.

I am still not ruling out liver as I have a ton of liver problem symptoms other than spider anigmas, jaundice, and pale stool. I do bruise pretty easy but that can be linked to other things too.

I did have an endoscopy as well, came back clear with some mild inflammation of the stomach lining.

Can any cirrhosis patients tell me what symptoms they had leading up to diagnosis. I want to rule out liver but have no been able too. Doctors say I am ok but I feel horrible and miserable most days.

Wish everyone the best to a healthy sober life! Have great day!

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4 Replies
GrandmaDylan profile image

Please don't be offended but I think that you might be slightly affected by health anxiety. If all you blood tests and endoscopy have come back clear you probably don't need to worry. I have cirrhosis, hiatus hernia, gastritis and fibromyalgia. I also had an overactive thyroid many years ago and the symptoms of that can't be missed. Rapid heart rate, shaking, insomnia, feeling hot all the time, psychosis plus many more including in my case massive loss of weight and goiter in the neck. Try to enjoy and appreciate your good health while you can

atvjoel profile image
atvjoel in reply to GrandmaDylan

Not offended at all thanks for the feedback. I actually had inguinal hernia I have terrible anxiety that developed after drinking for many years and stopping.

in reply to atvjoel

Yes I do agree, if all your tests have come back clear I'd stop fretting. Stay off the booze and junk food, adopt a healthy diet and plenty of exercise and you will hopefully live a long happy life 😃

Not to worry you at all. But many people with cirrhosis do have completely normal blood labs. If it really worries you get a fibroscan done.

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