Hi, I've just joined today. I was diagnosed with early stages of liver damage in February last year. Sadly I continued drinking until January this year. So clearly I've created more damage. I live abroad which is making treatment difficult to access. I'm experiencing chronic fatigue, muscle pain and disorientation. But none of the extreme symptoms. Is this normal and I just have to work through it? I assume it takes several months to feel better. Thanks in advance for your help.
Do I need treatment or just time to heal? - British Liver Trust
Do I need treatment or just time to heal?

Hi Anna,
Sorry to hear you are feeling so bad - is it constant or on and off? Do you mind if I ask your age and how you discovered you had early liver damage? I am going through something similar. I'm sure someone will be along with helpful advice, it's a great forum x
Hi, thanks a lot for your reply. I'm 44. Started to get pain in my limbs and was constantly tired. It's all constantly bad now. Knew something wasn't right, assumed it was connected to my drinking! But yes, went for the tests and bad news. Just read your post, really hope you'll be OK x
Thanks and same to you. I was drinking quite heavily so don't want to be too optimistic. Really hope everything is OK for you x
I've known people who have been admitted to hospital, with severe jaundice etc. They've recovered and are now healthy. I don't think you and I are anywhere near that stage. So it gives me optimism for our recovery. You're doing all the right things. Thanks for the good wishes x
Hiya Anna fingers crossed because it was early levels last year and even though you continued to drink hopefully you should still be able to turn things around. But you have to stay off the alcohol, even in foods you need to have a healthy diet plenty of fresh food, no salt and plenty of exercise. The liver is an amazing organ and can repair itself but it needs help to do that.
Obviously as no one on here is a doctor we can't tell you how much additional damage has been done, but you need to take it seriously and I hope you turn things around in time... The symptoms you are having is your liver telling you it's struggling so it will take a while to disappear. Go back to the professionals and find out for sure
Good luck x
Hi Jojo, thanks for your reply and advice. Yes I've noticed that my diet makes a big difference. Luckily I've always eaten healthily so it's not been a problem making it more so. I'm having tests again next Tuesday - decided it's the only way forward. Can't believe I've been so stupid but I seem to have finally learnt x
Hi Anna. You really must take this as wake up call and stop drinking in order for your liver to repair itself. Hopefully you can do it without any trouble at all. Once you become addicted it's a whole different ball game.
Good luck. Wish you well
Laura x

Hi Laura, it's been really hard to stop. Hence why it took me a year after being diagnosed. Pretty much drunk steadily since I was 18, so for 26 years. I've had no support with living abroad, obviously making it harder. But I seem to have made it now, no alcohol since January. Thanks for your reply and good wishes x
Well you are doing really well. Keep us posted. If you find you are struggling at any time, talk to us, we will all help as best we can. You're not alone !
L x

Thanks a lot Laura, I really appreciate it. Have felt terribly alone with this. Glad I joined and will keep coming on x
Hi Anna,
The main thing is you have stopped drinking. I have stage 1 cirrhosis diagnosed last September. I have had the tiredness which has gradually improved, beta blockers keep my heart rate and blood pressure down in case of a bleed. Last set of scans showed no further deterioration, so positive. Take it easy, stay off the alcohol, eat well and be prepared to take power napping to new levels for a while.
Good Luck Tim
Hi Tim, thanks for your reply and sharing your experience. Glad to hear you're improving. It seems quite a slow progression for healing, think I need to be far more patient. Thought I'd feel a little better after 4 months of not drinking. Yes I'm lying down a lot! Luckily I work at home! All the best to you, Anna
We expect things to get better in a couple of months but we drink for years. Just eat clean, watch your sodium intake and walk for exercise. Are you overweight? if so, try to get at a healthy weight. If you need help to actually stop drinking go get help. With stage 1, many people recover well, if they stay off the alcohol. good-luck.

Hi Sophia, I was only drinking occasionally for a year then completely stopped in January. Assumed I'd feel a little better, proving almost impossible to function never mind work. No I'm slim so no problem there. Yes my diet's fantastic. Guess it's a matter of being exceptionally patient. Thanks for the reply.
I am sorry, I thought u said u relapse after getting diagnosed with an early-stage liver disease. How were you diagnosed? Just take care of yourself and if you need help, get it.
Speaking from a homeopathic viewpoint. Your liver CAN regenerate back to some extent. Mine did with herbs and eating mostly vegetables and fruits diet. No gluten, diary, corn, etc..
I would urge anyone to read "Alpha Lipioc Acid Breakthrough" by Dr Berkson. He is a western medical and homeopathic doctor.
I would also look up "The liver Cleansing Diet" from Dr. Sandra Calbot. She is also a western medicine and homeopathic doctor.
Some people will negate this, but they also don't have knowledge in the field of homeopathic field of study. I am telling you from my own experience I am so much better off doing this.
Of course, before you try anything please talk to your doctor.
Amzel, On this site they do not encourage people under a doctor's care to take liver cleansing because many say "why are you adding more toxins". My thoughts on that subject are, Most of the people with liver issues got them from medication that a doctor prescribes for you. I take Sam-e and it has been proven in the USA to help the liver.
from reading your post earlier , id just like to tell you it isn't worth it ,, ive got two young children and ive had many stress into which I could have easily drank ,, I was admitted to hospital as I went yellow , diagnosed with alc hep , the last seven month journey has been tough ,not knowing whats going on etc ,I have to wait another six months to see consultant etc once damage is done its done no going back , I haven't drank as I don't want to see that yellow face ever again ! ,, you can do this its bloody hard and emotional but you can ,, ! xxx

No you're right it's not worth it. I have to learn to ride through the stress. Sounds like you've really been through it. Must have been horrendous. Yes it is hard going, constantly tell myself I can do it. Driving myself nuts!! Xxx