Do I need further tests?: Hi I am new to... - British Liver Trust

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Do I need further tests?

LeiLey profile image
15 Replies

Hi I am new to the British liver trust but maybe I could do with a bit of advice to see if I might need to see a liver specialist.

I have had 4/5 episodes of really bad chest pain that travels to the shoulders and epigastri pain. The pain lasts 5 or 6 hours and I’ve always left it late to get seen by a doctor. In A n E heart tests were fine so they thought maybe GERD pain etc. Ultrasound showed debris and sludge/inflamed. Mild fatty liver was also seen. This was after the second episode, I haven’t had further scans since. Weirdly my bloods were fine until the last episode where the ALT was over 800, this has gone down to 110 after 2 weeks. So GP isn’t overly concerned now, just wants to repeat bloods in 4 weeks, but I am wondering if I need to be seen and/or further tests. Thank you in advance.

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15 Replies
LeiLey profile image

Sludge and debris in gallbladder that should say

CarpeDiem11 profile image

Apparently most people have unsymptomatic problems with their gallbladder, but I am of the chosen few that has problems. Make sure you are on a low fat diet (I hardly ate many high fat things, but had 3 attacks in the space of a very short time). Whether you need further tests I don't know. I was initally told manage the pain, but since I have had so many attacks I am due for surgery now (but leaving it alone is not a good option for me- it may be different for you) In the meantime I had one ultrasound and one CT (but this was to check if surgery would be ok).

What have I learnt? Check with your GP to see what pain relief you can use.

Gallbladder surgery is fairly common amongst the general population and you don't have to have liver problems to have gallbladder problems.

You need to be on a low fat diet.

Despite the fact I am due for surgery, I have been told manage the pain for the first few hours (2 lots of painkillers in time terms) and if it persists go to A and E.

ALT measures one of the liver enzymes and the bloods will give an indication as to whether you have a problem with the liver or if they are raised due to inflammation in your body.

I have severe liver problems, so the advice I have been given could be very different to yours, but at the very least I would ask for help with the diet (since you indicated fatty liver) and what pain relief to use. If they see a pattern of raised liver enzymes with the bloods (they look for trends rather than fixed numbers) then they may well refer you to a specialist.

Good luck- the pain I had was intense, so you have my sympathy.

LeiLey profile image
LeiLey in reply to CarpeDiem11

Thank you for replying and the advice. I haven’t been told to change my diet or anything really so a bit in the dark about things, so yes I will try low fat. The gp didn’t say anything about avoiding painkillers but I will be careful as I’ve been taking them a lot for months due to headaches, I think I may have inadvertently caused some problems with my liver.

The gp did say not to mess about if I get the pain again and get seen by a doctor straight away. Haven’t had it for about 4 weeks touch wood.

Thank you take care

CarpeDiem11 profile image
CarpeDiem11 in reply to LeiLey

No- one advised me on diet either, I had to ask! I didn't take painkillers as my Consultant said they wouldn't touch the pain! Liver surgeon said ok to take painkillers, but then get help as I said above. Nothing helped shift the pain for me,but we are dry griddling all our meat and I eat salads with a little oil. No cheese at all and only low fat yoghurt . So far, so good. Good luck!😉

LeiLey profile image
LeiLey in reply to CarpeDiem11

Yes that’s the same for me, took all kinds of painkillers and gaviscon etc but doesn’t help in any way with these bouts of pain. I am due another blood test in a few weeks and maybe I will ask to speak to the GP about things. But I definitely need to eat better and lower fat foods!

My omeprazole is due to run out soon so I might ask gp to prescribe more if it’s helping. Could be a coincidence though 😊

Thank you

CarpeDiem11 profile image
CarpeDiem11 in reply to LeiLey

I've been on omeprazole for years, so can't comment. Whatever works though I say. Try to avoid surgery as surgery can cause problems, although for many it works well apparently. I prefer to keep hold of as much as I can until I have no other choice😉

Glad to help as I have had a lot of varying advice over the last few weeks.

LeiLey profile image
LeiLey in reply to CarpeDiem11

Yes that’s a good way to look at it, keep hold of things as much as you can!

Thank you, I appreciate your help, and I’m here to if I can help you 👍

LeiLey profile image
LeiLey in reply to LeiLey

Also, my mild fatty liver was seen only on a ultrasound scan when they were looking at my gallbladder (which the radiographer said looked very unhappy). The radiographer recommended I have an MRI but because there were no gallstones there the doctor advised against it. So I feel a bit like oh well that’s it then I don’t Need any more scans but on the other hand I feel I’m not getting the full picture 🙈 Anyway I think that’s my rant over now ha. Take care

CarpeDiem11 profile image
CarpeDiem11 in reply to LeiLey

So an ultrasound can pick up gallstones, the sound waves bounce off them, but a CT scan can't pick them up, don't know about an MRI. Told this by liver surgeon . No gallstones- happy days😉

The ultrasound will also measure thickness of gallbladder wall, giving them an idea of how much inflammation there is. I would ask how much inflammation there is and can you reduce it.

Mine have developed because of my liver issues, so won't go(cheeky blighters), hopefully you can stop any developing.

Off out now. Thanks for the convo. Have a great day🤗

LeiLey profile image
LeiLey in reply to CarpeDiem11

Ohh thank you for the info! Enjoy your day and take care 😊

in reply to CarpeDiem11

I I have been diagnosed with gall stones after recent scan. I’ve been suffering pain for over 4 months and A&E diagnosed it as gastritis. The doctors just kept giving me lanzoprazole 30mg twice a day and wouldn’t do anything further. Ended up (because the pain got so bad and lanzoprazole wasn’t touching it) having to pay To see a private gastro. He said likely gallstones and sent me for an ultrasound within a week. That showed liver Hemangioma which is a small one and gall stones! Thing is I don’t think my pain is gallstones.

My pain is sore, burning and gnawing. It feels like an open wound and someone is putting vinegar on it. Right in the upper central stomach. I had to go to A&E again this week and they tested my blood and said if it was inflammation from gallstones it would show on blood test and bloods were perfect. I’ve been in agony since Tuesday and they have left me like this. Been up all night crying every night.

They are now saying it might be H Pylori infection that has caused inflammation. Well they could have tested me for that months ago! Now I can’t get a test, 7 month wait with the QE hospital believe it or not! Called my docs Friday and they said they would send me a test in the post.

I can’t eat, I can barely drink water and I’m having to walk stooped over. My resting heart rate is normally 55-60 and it’s over 100.

I wonder what your Experience was and if your pain was constant?

LeiLey profile image
LeiLey in reply to

Hi gosh hope you get sorted soon that’s not good when you’re in that much pain, keep going back. The first few times I had the pain my bloods were normal too! Only after the 5th episode that my bloods were all over the place.

No my pain isn’t constant. The pain comes on gradually and starts in my chest and then gets worse and lasts anywhere between 2 and 6 hours. Nothing seems to help and I can’t sit or lie down with it. I am definitely going back to A n E if it happens again. I’ve been on omeprazole for about 7 weeks, and maybe that’s helping?!

My upper stomach has been tender to the touch for a long time before this all started but I’m overweight so thought it might have something to do with it.

I had Covid in may and these episodes started a few weeks after I recovered. Doctors aren’t sure what it is or whether it’s related to the Covid. A mystery!

CarpeDiem11 profile image
CarpeDiem11 in reply to

Pretty much the same as LeiLey in terms of pain. No more than a day at a time, but absolute agony. My bloods were fine too! 7 month wait- I can't believe that. You can't live like that. I would say whatever it is, don't keep waiting. This needs to be sorted out before the next Covid wave starts.

I do definitely have gallstones and inflamed gallbladder.

I hope you get answers soon.😕🙏

Good morning LeiLey,

Welcome to this friendly, supportive forum.

Can I ask you to take a minute to read over our community guidelines in the pinned posts.

I am glad to hear your GP is repeating your tests in a few weeks, it may be if they remain elevated that onward referral to hepatology (liver specialist) is appropriate.

You have mentioned having a fatty liver therefore I am including a link to our information regarding Non Alcohol Related Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)

I am also including a link to Gallstones- again simply because you mention sludge and inflammation in your gallbladder.

Best wishes,


LeiLey profile image
LeiLey in reply to

Thank you for that, I will certainly have a look through, take care

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