So what now that it's been three years five month's clean?
Staying sober: So what now that it's... - British Liver Trust
Staying sober
Well done you, no doubt it had its ups and downs and been a rough ride at times but a great achievement and no doubt your poorly liver is thankful for it.
Keep on going, Katie
You've done so well. Keep up the good work 😉
I hope you don't mind but I want to show my friend and his wife this post and the other one you have done. It might help her to see that it is a hard journey that people undertake when trying to stop drinking.
Take care and keep up the fantastic work. I never actually smoked a cigarette but when I started work people used to smoke in the office. Therefore as a passive smoker I inhaled a lot every day. I found times when I was seriously stressed I could still want to smoke for a few years after the smoking ban came in to effect. So I do appreciate the what you are achieving.
Well done Cjjj, I know first hand how hard that road can be. Most drug users will tell you that alcohol is the hardest drug to kick. A lot of people don't realise, but if your drinking for a reason, then that bottle can become your best and only friend (or so it seems at the time). When you stop, that friend is no longer there in your life, and in a way, you can go through a form of bereavement.
The body has to deal with the life style change too. That daily drink it used to depend on so much is no longer there.
And might I add, that one of the reasons why I hate the word Alcoholic is that it labels and stigmatises you. So, please don't go classing yourself as a recovering alcoholic. Like me, you were a person who had a alcohol-related condition, that's now been dealt with. The last time you had any alcohol is now behind you. So continue to live for today and look forward to tomorrow.
Good Luck my Friend. (P.S. I had my last alcoholic drink on the 3rd Dec 2014).
We'll done not far behind you and as you said it's something that you miss I miss going out now am sober everything changes me the people the world becomes smaller but I keep my head held high no looking back now eh. Cheers man
You've all done so well. It must have been such a tough time for you all. Please take care. Lots hugs Lynne xxxx
I'm not sure what you mean? If you have liver disease from drinking keep up the good work of not drinking. From a few commentaries on here I have gathered that for some people they continue to improve - at a slow rate, but some improvements in various areas.
My husband asked his doctor about drinking and the main reason to not start again, if that was the cause of the liver damage, is that once damaged any alcohol will just keep doing damage and more that if one had a problem with drinking it is too easy to slide back into it with that "just one little drink".
Best wishes. Mary