FATIGUE IS DOING MY HEAD IN: Does... - British Liver Trust

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Dudewheresmyliver1 profile image

Does anybody at all have any ideas on how to cope with fatigue.

I used to have mild fatigue but recently it has become a major problem.

I wake up and want to go bk to sleep again 10 min later.I have tried change of diet,vitamins & refraining from sleep straight away but I cant conquer it.

Any ideas much appreciated


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Dudewheresmyliver1 profile image
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30 Replies
Identity75 profile image

Sorry but I don't think there is a quick fix. Snack on protein during the day and last thing at night. I've heard a couple of people say that Barocca drink is quite good? I've not tried it though.

It's horrible. Difficult to make plans cause you never really know what your energy levels are going to be like.

Dudewheresmyliver1 profile image
Dudewheresmyliver1 in reply to Identity75

Even eating makes me tired.I'm waiting for my audition to come for the Walking Dead.No make up needed.

Identity75 profile image
Identity75 in reply to Dudewheresmyliver1

You need to eat, one of the main reasons we get so tired is our poor livers cannot process and store the protein we need. I don't know again because I haven't tried and maybe should be run past your hep or dietician first but what about protein shakes that the gym goers always seem to be drinking???

Ooooooo walking dead! When's the next series

7265sunlower profile image
7265sunlower in reply to Dudewheresmyliver1

Oh bless you your sense of humour. Will keep you going your not a scouser. By any chance at one stage I thought I'd make a good dot. Cotton lookalike. But doing well now don't give up we are all here for you x

Dudewheresmyliver1 profile image
Dudewheresmyliver1 in reply to 7265sunlower

I am a Scouser belive it or not.

Your whole person changes once you have been Marge Simpson yellow.I used to be quite confident before the fluid gain,pain,yellow skin,hair lose & being stoned with pain killers.Now I'm happy to be able to get out of bed.

7265sunlower profile image
7265sunlower in reply to Dudewheresmyliver1

Good for knew it was you sence of humour the tickled me I knew you must be a scouser. It's a good job the minions. Went out why I was yellow I would have got some stick but joking aside hope you stay fit an well an no more singing we all live in a yellow submarine. X

Dudewheresmyliver1 profile image
Dudewheresmyliver1 in reply to 7265sunlower

When I first got sick (10yrs ago) I thought it was the bathroom light as my bathroom was yellow.I was so wrong.

Going frm well to new liver in 2 wks was a bit of a shock to say the least.

Now this graft is going down the pan & it's taking longer than 2wks for my new liver to turn up.

I have more or less got myself ready for the off.Cardboard box funeral I'm saving for my wake not brass handles.A load of drunk Scousers talking crap pleases me no end.

7265sunlower profile image
7265sunlower in reply to Dudewheresmyliver1

No your not you will get the strength from your loved ones to keep you going. I went to the opticians. This morning. An he put some drops in then I went to Asda what a shock the ultra Violet lights. I got a glimpse in the mirror and I looked like the hulk going from yellow to. Green. What next Joseph's. Technicolour. Coat anyway. Joking aside no talk about cardboard. Boxes. Just a razzle dazzle ferry cross. The Mersey. Everyone here helps each other an its good to get things off ur chest all the bestx

Dudewheresmyliver1 profile image
Dudewheresmyliver1 in reply to 7265sunlower

Cheers it's nice to know.

7265sunlower profile image
7265sunlower in reply to Dudewheresmyliver1

How is my friend. Dude where's me liver doing I hope your feeling good and don't feel as tired 😴. Keep. Ur chin up with that scouse wit of yours it cheers me up no end ps have you changed. The colour of your bathroom yet no more yellow. Let's try an appeal colour x

7265sunlower profile image
7265sunlower in reply to 7265sunlower

Apple 🍏. I meant

Dudewheresmyliver1 profile image
Dudewheresmyliver1 in reply to 7265sunlower

The kitchen is now pastel blue.Off sets theyellow brilliantly.

Today has been challenging.Docs at 9 for a blood test,then some shopping for a fatigue busting superfood but ended up with chicken & bananas.

Took the knock after Neighbours but felt to nauseous to sleep.Did dinner and now bk in bed hoping I can sleep without cronic heartburn.

Had my moany head on today.I don't do sick or pain very well.

How are you been keeping that chin up?

acjb007 profile image

I have the same problem but it got loads better cutting out meat and dairy. Now once a month I have a day where I need to sleep all day.

Dulux profile image

If you find the answer let me know, I've just lost my entire weekend, I pushed too hard during the week and that finished me off.

I've just reduced my hours at work to try and help.

I can sleep in the day but that ruins my night sleep.

If I'm a zombie I'll be the one collapsed at my desk 😵

Identity75 profile image
Identity75 in reply to Dulux

Drove to Kings today and that has wiped me out. Really want to get in the kitchen and make a marinade for me chicken tomorrow but just can't find the energy.


Dudewheresmyliver1 profile image
Dudewheresmyliver1 in reply to Identity75

We are constantly 1 meal behind.My mum has started coming around and stock piling my freezer with healthy foods & a big stick to make sure my husband feeds me properly.If I hear the word protein again I'll go mad.

I know she's correct but it doesn't help much.

Dudewheresmyliver1 profile image
Dudewheresmyliver1 in reply to Dulux

Same here.I think the liver turns us all into nocturnal animals then again I can sleep at the drop of a hat all the time.The pain killers don't help either.

Dudewheresmyliver1 profile image
Dudewheresmyliver1 in reply to Dulux

I suppose there must be some protein in brains for us zombies.

I have a feeling I need a label attached to me with my address on it just incase I fall asleep somewhere.

jojokarak profile image

It's bloody shit, but just have to listen to your body it's already fighting so trying to avoid what it needs is not the best. (probably get a bonus best looking zombie going) 😂

ladypoppy49 profile image

..and have you been to the Doctor? It could be thyroid problems.....

ladypoppy49 profile image
ladypoppy49 in reply to ladypoppy49

it could be many reasons, as comments above eating the right foods is vital. A visit to a Doctor is your first step and maybe an intolerance test.

Mel2637 profile image

I don't have as much a problem as when i was working but when i do i do puzzles listen to books or play games on my kindle. After 2 or 3 hours i start getting sleepy. Good luck i know how miserable that is.

I liken it to being stuck in limbo.As soon as you stop doing something your body just shuts down.

I make sure I go for a walk at least once a day but I really have to drag myself out.

Waiting for a second transplant is so much worse than waiting for the 1st one.

I hope your doing ok.It's a relief to know others understand what it feels like.I've felt so alone over the past 10yrs with nobody properly understanding.

I thank you all on here for feed back.

ruby2shoes12 profile image

I feel for you, it is really the pits! I've been like it for Months now, I've got up in the morning, sat and started drinking my tea and then just literally nodded off again within half an hour of being up. 😴 It also affects my concentration, my ability to read and spell and be coordinated. I also have diabetes type 2 and pernicious aneamia which cause fatigue too.

All I can advise is to take each day as it comes, if you feel really fatigued just let yourself sleep and rest, I have found that there's no point in even attempting to fight it as I never win anyway! Just this past weekend I spent both days in bed.

I've been trying to change my diet to include more protein and vegetables and some fruit so I'll see if that makes any difference as time goes on. 💚

7265sunlower profile image
7265sunlower in reply to ruby2shoes12

Me mum used to give us cabbage water as kids it was supposed. To take away the impurities. In your body yak it tasted. Horrible but had clear skin but you do feel tired I try an push myself. Every day. Just to take me mind off things then iam worn out but keep on trucking. Ruby shoes your not alone. X

Let me know.There must be some food or something that can help.I'd like to see my husband a bit more.

I've found that if I'm occupied I can stay awake longer.Most of the time it works but sometimes....forget it.Nothing will keep me awake.

Dulux profile image
Dulux in reply to Dudewheresmyliver1

Being involved in something helps, days I don't work I feel more tired, plus also doing something helps me feel I have achieved something.

With my diet I eat plenty of simple carbs and the rest I eat what I fancy which is tough with no appetite, I always try and have a bowl of musli before I go to bed or toast or porridge, natural low fat yoghurt like the proper Greek stuff is great for protein, I am okay with simple fats but anything too complex or messed about with and it makes me feel horrible.


I know how you all feel. I get about an hour's sleep per night because pain wakes me up. I got up and made a brew the other night, nodded off for a minute and spilt boiling black coffee on my leg, ended up at a and e with second degree burns. ☹️ Hope you are all feeling better . Lot's of love Lynne xxxx

7265sunlower profile image

hiya dudewheresme liver hope you are keeping well, i bet your sitting their reading that poxy echo its gone downhill now ,keep that scouse humour you have you cheer me up so much your wit is a credit to knowing what you have been and going through, all the best my friend x

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