Cirrhosis of the liver: Hi all my name... - British Liver Trust

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Cirrhosis of the liver

Ceinwen1926 profile image
8 Replies

Hi all my name Paula and my husband has cirrhosis,

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Ceinwen1926 profile image
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8 Replies
RHGB profile image

Hello Paula. Did you have some questions or was it just general support?

It looked like you were going to type some more and then just finished your post.

Ceinwen1926 profile image

Yes i would like to ask my husband is on a drug call spironolactone ( water tablet ) he is not well at the moment he has no energy and he has been shaking and then slid off the bed this morning and couldn't get up of the floor it taken me nearly an hour to get him up i wanted to phone the doctor but he wouldn't let me x

RHGB profile image
RHGB in reply to Ceinwen1926

I take spironolactone and I have never heard of it having that reaction on anyone.

Could you tell us a bit more about him, his cirrhosis, how he got it, if it was done to alcohol is he still drinking, what the doctors have said, what other medication he takes.

jojokarak profile image
jojokarak in reply to Ceinwen1926

That sounds like H.E hepatic encephalopathy which is a build up of toxins in his blood. I would get him to gp to be checked out

dckimberly profile image

Ok, well,next time call an ambulance. Spiro does not cause those side effects. Many of us take it or have.

You really didn't give much info.

But welcome!

We're happy to try and help..but we would need more to go on.

If your not comfortable with that you can leave a message for one of the nurses on here. Also, there is a ton of information in pamphlets on this site.

Just please don't Google cirrhosis can find a lot of misinformation.

This site is really the best.

And the members, all of us have a lot in common.

Loved ones also come here for support and help.

Good luck!


Ps before you ask, no, herbs and dietary supplements (unless prescribed by your liver consultant) do NOT matter what the ads say.

The liver is responsible for over 500 things in the human body, so there are many issues and sicknesses brought on when it's not working right.

A loss of energy and sleeping a lot is VERY common, as the liver is responsible for dispensing energy in the body.

Ceinwen1926 profile image
Ceinwen1926 in reply to dckimberly

Hi I'm replying to my question I made 4 years ago about my husband with cirrhosis I wrote to you about my husband he collapsed one morning and it took me an hour to get him back up onto the bed he wouldn't let me phone the doctor and it went on for a week he was struggling when he did get out of bed to go to the toilet which was upstairs in the end I had to bring a commode into the bedroom and it took all his strength just to get from the bed to the commode eventually after a week i insisted we get the doctor and the doctor phoned for a ambulance and he went into hospital on the Monday on the Tuesday morning they were very concerned about him and the doctor called me into the office and told me that there was nothing else they could do for him the treatment that they needed to give to his liver because he had a bad heart the heart wouldn't have been able to take the medication and vice versa it was the hardest week of my life sitting by his bed day and night he lasted 3 days and on Thursday morning at 8 0clock he died he was the love of my life my soulmate and I really didn't know how I was going to be able to live without him you see he was an alcoholic and over the years yes he tried to stop but yes he went back to it his triggers were stress and we had a lot of stress with in our family we have a daughter Who needed a kidney transplant from the age of 15 when we found out that she needed a transplant and for years we were back and forth hospitals and she was very ill and my husband could not take the stress and he turned to the bottle for his comfort even after my daughter got who transplant and her life is been turned around she is happy healthy my husband's father who lives next door to us fell ill and was rushed to hospital and he had sepsis and nearly died and lost the ability to walk and had no appetite we got him home from hospital and and my husband practically moved in there and got in walking and eat again but all the time he was drinking because he couldn't cope with the stress of it all and his own health was deteriorating and I didn't even know how ill he was because he always try to hide it from me until he collapse one morning. I'm so sorry it's taken me nearly 4 years to get back to you and tell you what happened to him but I couldn't have written this x

Onesmallstep1969 profile image
Onesmallstep1969 in reply to Ceinwen1926

So very sorry to hear about your loss. My heart goes out to you. Try to remember the positive memories. He lives with you still through your good memories.

GeorgeDav profile image

Hi Cienwein1926

Can i ask how your husband is doing now has he got over yesterday's episode? My husband was diagnosed with cirrohsis at the beginning of the year. He was already taking furosemide and was also put on a high dosage of spiranolactalose . After a short while he became quite unwell and his legs gave way on him. He was hospitalised and they found the two high doses had upset his electrolytes which in turn upset his heart rate. Once they sorted this out he has now recovered and has been put on lower dose of each and monitored closely. Sincerely hope your husband now on the mend wishing you well.

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