One who is close to me has Cirrhosis so I will follow this site for any hints and tips that may help.
That is all that I wish to say at the moment.
One who is close to me has Cirrhosis so I will follow this site for any hints and tips that may help.
That is all that I wish to say at the moment.
Welcome Eddy1, hope you find the site of great help. If you do get particular questions then feel free to ask away.
Thanks for the speedy response.
As a newby I have what is probably a basic question if you will forgive me;
is there a salt substitute that is also low in potassium as well as sodium.
Welcome, we are a friendly bunch. Lots of people on here with lots of knowledge. If you do have any questions chances are someone will know or at least point you in the right direction.
Thanx for the speedy add. So far found the sight really informative. Hope i get some time to read more n add comments.
You do get used to having little or no salt . I can no longer tolerate things which are too salty , bacon and crisps , are now so disgusting to me . It takes a small to,e but you do adapt .
Thanks to all responders.