Sorry about the ignorance but can you get ascities after a transplant?? Not sure if I've just got fatter or ascities- feeling good otherwise. Thanks in advance xxππ
Ascities : Sorry about the ignorance but... - British Liver Trust

The only reason you would get ascites would be if the liver wasn,t working correctly.
I assume you are bring checked regularly.
How long since transplant.?
The only other reason for feeling that you have got fatter could be incisional hernias but that would have been found at your checkup.
Thanks Freddie I was checked for hernias when I had my last check nothing there. Didn't mention ascities at the appt forgot but had gained about 4 kgs they recommended careful eating. I'm due a blood test in a week or so I assume that might show of liver if Not good as they reducedy mess as well. Will keep an eye out and maybe ring them with any concerns . Thanks
How often do you get checked now and which hospital
Every 6 months now and addenbrooks
Maybe if all your tests are normal it is probably that you are now eating well again maybe a bit more than you are burning off.
My hubbie is 5 years post and has had post op hernia repair but his tummy has got bigger again. Nobody can say why.has lost weight elsewhere.
There is no such thing as a trivial question here - you're not being 'ignorant' Nobody is born knowing all about liver disease and transplants.
Those of us who think we know everything ( me ? surely not ) still have lots to learn.
Hope you get the answers from your liver transplant team. There is a Liver Transplant Coordinator sitting there just waiting for you to call !
Take care,
I have had ascites after transplant and I know off a couple of others who did as well. I just changed my diet again the no salt, fresh food and water as I went a little crazy and was eating whatever I wanted lol but also there is other reasons apart from the liver you can get ascites so if your concerned see your gp and they will do the tap test π