Five days ago I had a partial denture fitted upper middle tooth and I'm in pain it just won't keep in it keeps falling out of my mouth I went back to the dentist few days ago he saying reason it' moves is because it's early days yet and the area is imflammed and it's spongy has anyone ever experienced this, I just don't want to go out,
Partial denture: Five days ago I had a... - British Liver Trust
Partial denture

Sorry I've posted on liver trust site I have Aih too should have posted on dental site
Hi pussycat 432.i have two sets of partial dentures. 4 top front 4 bottom front. They extracted the bottom first then I had all the top done 3 months later .I waited 6 weeks to even wear mine. I still only use the bottom ones when I go out. No-one even notices .If you have not long had the extraction then leave it out as I did as my oral surgeon advised me .
Thanks so much Millie09 for replying so quickly very much appreciated I'm sitting here getting upset thinking why won't one tooth at top stay in place it's crazy. I only had it done on Monday. I can't possibly go out with a gap I'd feel very embarrassed what denture fixative do you use? My dentist said I should wear all the time and only take out at night, ru in the uk Millie x
My hubby has lost 1 top front tooth and 4 front lower teeth due to prednisolone and calcium issues (& had them out owing to them being wobbly and a possible infection risk if he got his transplant) - he couldn't get on with his dentures at all and has never worn them. It's a bit more of an issue with ladies I guess but hubby just couldn't be bothered with the fiddlyness of his top plate (it fit in the wrong way for him, being left handed and it needed to click in to the left hand side and he just couldn't get it to fit).
Check with your specialist about dental fixatives as some have been found to have bad side effects and your liver could be affected by them.
Hope you get on ok soon.
Aww bless. It can be very daunting at first and you feel self concous but believe me in time that will all go away .some dentists advice to wear them straight away but in all my past and present dental work I have always waited and they fit fine .I use fixadent with no trouble at all. It could be that the denture might need adjusting over time as my bottom ones have been altered as the gum shrinks. See how you get on but don't get worrying. It's not as bad as you think it's going to be .yes I'm in the UK.
I will try fixadent to see if that helps, dentist says I have to wait 3 / 6 months, although he says in my case nearer to 6 to have a bridge attached. X
After you have had your teeth out a few months the gums shrink even more. usually before you get the teeth out the dentist takes an impression and the teeth are ready and waiting for you when you go to get them extracted. Then a few months later when the gums have shrunk down the dentist makes you a new set of teeth that fit the gums as they have shrunk down. the best fixadent to get is a powder called poligrip ultra i find it quiite difficult to find and have to go to large branches of boots for it. you only need a tiny amount, you first rinse the denture under running water and shake a very small amount of powder onto it then tap of any excess and put them into your mouth and bite down. i hate all those denture creams as they dont last long and are squishy in the mouth.hope this grace xoxo
My dentist took impression n I had to go back two weeks later n have this partial denture fitted it's one tooth on it it's top tooth middle but my mouth is full of ulcers since it went in and sometimes it just dosent reach top of socket of tooth I went back to dentist who said it's because of swelling it should settle down in two to three weeks I'm in agony
yes pussycat it can be very painful getting used to new dentures and the thing is we have to persevere. This is normal. as jojokarak says rinse your mouth with salt water. if i get ulcers on my tongue or gums i keep a glass of salted water in the bathroom and have a little rinse every time i go to the toilet. which is a lot as im a tea jenny.
Hi I have a full top denture plate and I always have problems for first few weeks when I get a new one. It's normal if it carries on after a few weeks then definitely a trip back to dentist. As for denture fixation I can't use any of them they make me feel sick...... Ones I find bearable every now and again are the strip ones.
Thankyou while it's not nice to hear that you had problems at first , but to hear it's normal makes me feel as if I need to persevere for longer, I'm going to buy some bonjela today for ulcers and then see how it goes
sounds a bit odd as if the tooth is already loose that doesn't bode well... as they get looser as gums shrink back.... does it fit in gap properly or is it too tight.? cazer
I will try to explain when I go to put the partial denture plate in and try to push the tooth back into the socket it feels as if it won't go in high enough so to me then it dosent feel secure, it does fit in the gap but if you can understand I'm feeling it should go up higher to feel more secure, the actually plate itself that is only piece of plastic with no clips tends to move a lot as I swallow meaning spongy it keeps in place but I feel I have to put my tongue up in the roof of my mouth quite a bit to make sure it dosent come out as it did when I was eating, as this is only day 6 I'm going to go back to dentist after giving it more time as he said it will take 2/3 weeks to actually get used to it. No it's definately not too tight thanks for replying cazer