A person very dear to me, has been a heavy binge drinker for nearly 20 years...i think off him as a functional alcholic, has a high pressure job..but when he goes out, he really goes to town. He drinks a beer every lunchtime, but its a night out that wrecks him.He is a wonderful gregarious, kind person, but has this dark side of drink that hes in dennial of.
He has now developed exteme pain in his stomach, through to his back...and food or drink causes even more acute pain..!!!
He has finally, for the first time not drank yesterday, on a family meal ,...and agreed to see a doctir, tonight..what do you guys think, ..ive worked wuth alchoholics in denial, and i feel he has acute Pancreatitis, but i am elated that he is seeing a doctor, i feel that this is because its the first time he has suffered, and he is afraid, i want to carry on supporting him as much as i can, because the demon drink has been my nemesis, and his fir many years 😫