I have a urine test this week for work and heard about milk thistle as a natural supplement..
Does anyone know how fast milk thistle... - British Liver Trust
Does anyone know how fast milk thistle works to detox alcohol on a urine test

It doesn't detox alcohol do not know where you have heard that one from
Only way for alcohol not to show up in a urine test is to not drink any alcohol.
There is obviously a reason work demands the test - probably for Health & Safety I guess - so why on earth would you want to try and 'cheat' the test? Sorry but to come on a liver support site and ask about ways of covering up drinking is a bit odd.
Milk thistle does not work as a detox from alcohol.
Milk-thistle (also known as Silybum marianum) is an over-the-counter supplement, which some people believe can be beneficial to people with liver disease.
Some laboratory studies have shown the herbs active components (silymarin) have a positive effect on liver cells However, milk-thistle is not licensed as a medicine and so studies into its effectiveness in the body have been limited, with conflicting results. There is not currently enough evidence to prove or disprove any beneficial effects on the liver. Milk-thistle may lower blood sugar levels and people with diabetes or hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar) should use caution.
If you are thinking of using milk-thistle, it is a good idea to discuss this with your doctor.
Best wishes,
Simple don't drink alcohol!! Wow.
I think you may be asking on the wrong group. This forum is for people with liver disease - alcohol-related and otherwise. As someone whose liver almost killed them, I'm a little offended that you can post something like this here just because you want to cheat on a urine test.
😕.you really should not drink any alcohol at all .there is a reason as to why you are trying to hide it. maybe your not strong enough to tell anyone? please read some of the posts on this group... it will open your eyes .