I havnt written on here for a while now mum was having weekly ascites drains she went into hospital and had the alpha pump fitted in November we were hoping for good things from it but just call her lucky it didn't work she went back into hospital beginning of December for them to try to fix it she sadly died on 17th December but although this didn't work for her the people it has worked for have a much better quality of life but she is at least not in any more pain I would like to wish everyone who has problems a happy new year and all the best for the future
mum: I havnt written on here for a while... - British Liver Trust

Sorry for your loss nannyduck, may your mum rest in peace - as you say she is not longer in any pain.
All the very best to you and your family at this sad time.
Katie x
My thoughts are with you having lost my father in November last year. It is a relief that they no longer suffer but such a cruel way to go and one that I'm sure you find as difficult to deal with as I do. I hope the new year brings new hope for you and that you have good support for the months ahead. With love. Helen
So sorry for your loss!
I was never offered the alpha pump..just the bypass, a tips shunt.
Biggest mistake of my life.
I now have the side effect of hepatic enchalopothy and it has lowered my quality of life to far worse than the ascites.
My ascites specialist is a nurse, sister practitioner.
She tried to warn me, in her own way, telling me statically how many of her patients came back for drains and worse off...but, I just was too stupid and listened to consultants who felt sure I would not have this side effect, since I never had it before the first transplant.
I'm so glad your mum is at peace and pain free! I hope the comfort this gives you will carry you through. Your time of greifz,
Thinking a good thought,
nannyduck I am so sad to read this. RIP mum x
I hope you have support and friends around you. I also hope you can access counselling. Sending you strength xxxx
I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my dad oct 12 and I still come on here. It helps me. Hope it can help you if you still feel like posting.
thankyou for your messages it is hard but harder for dad they were married for nearly 60 years hes taken it really hard bless him he has a large family and we are all there for each other which helps I do think reading others posts that people don't get the explanations about different aspects of the illness that they should get from health proffesionals we knew mum was ill but we were never actually told just how ill she was which in hindsight probably would have prepared us better for the way things went anyway thanks again for messages much appretiated x