I'm just passing this on as there's not much info on what to do if you accidentally take two exviera in the morning instead of two vierkirax, which I managed to do.
The pamphlet said to call the doctor - but it was 7.30 in the morning so I couldn't - or go to the hospital. Our local A&E is just down the road so that's what I did. They couldn't find anything to indicate if there would be a problem or not other than one study that said exviera is safe in healthy people up to 2g (I would of had 500mg, a quarter of the amount). My blood pressure was taken and it was normal so I was told I could go home. I then contacted the registar at the outpatient centre - it was after 9am by the time I got home – and she said they also didn't have any information. She asked me to go back for a blood test so they could check my liver and kidneys, and she asked the pharmacist to check when I should have my next dose. The pharmacist never got back to her, so she advised me to skip the evening dose and then start again as normal the next day.
I did feel a little nauseous the day this happened, but more so the second day, otherwise everything seems to be okay, so far.
I thought this might be helpful in case someone else accidentally does the same thing.