My long run today...started at 6 in case it got hot...but was about 14' so cool enough to start with a jumper. I had a planned 9k from rungo and thought I'd add the last k by running round the car park! The first bit was muddy and listening to coach Bennet made me question myself if I should actually be walking it rather than jumping over big puddles or trying to find a dryer I was heading towards heath the mud disappeared and it was largely soft and springy underfoot. The early heather is starting to bloom and I spent at least 1k thinking of moving a beehive to take advantage of it, for a few weeks. Heather honey is lovely, but much harder to extract necessitating the destruction of the comb. The cons outweighed the pros and I decided not to move one. Less work for me, let alone the bees. Anyway it distracted me from what my legs were doing which was all to the good as I hadn't started with a huge amount of energy. Next distraction was seeing a deer on the track ahead of me. Amazingly she didn't move whilst I fiddled about getting my phone out to take the picture. By the time I can see the sea the end is in sight tho I couldn't work out how to make the last k the best one, in accordance with coach B. The sea was quite rough so I decided against a swim, headed home to a hot shower instead.
Early 10k: My long run today...started at 6 in... - Bridge to 10K
Early 10k

Great early 10k, sounds like a lovely route with plenty of distractions, what a good way to start the week. Happy running 🤗
Thank you. It is a lovely route, all on paths or tracks, woodland and lucky to have it at a stone's throw.
So jealous, my field paths are elbow deep with grass and weeds so it’s road running for the foreseeable 🤗
Oh dear, that's a shame. We have single track roads round me which I run on sometimes but always a bit wary for fast cars....

Well done on your early 10k this morning!A great way to start the day , and a great picture !
Ooh , I also used to keep bees but that was a few years ago now 😁

Wow that's a brave deer, so close. They've normally run away round here by the time I've got my phone out.Sounds like a good run overall. Can't say I fancy running through heather, it must be hard on the ankles. Well done!

Wow what a lovely run and getting that beautiful photo to share with us is great

Great 10K and what a beautiful encounter with a deer 🦌 wonderful, well done 👏

Great pic and well done on the 10k 👍🏻