After my first event 10k last Sunday I feel tired and unmotivated. My training plan had me doing a small jog on thursday but I missed that as I am still coughing lots. Then today was a 5k run at slow pace and the beginning felt like hard work. I took the two smalls with me who both managed a pb! Is it usual to feel the blues Post event?
Post Event Blues: After my first event 10k... - Bridge to 10K
Post Event Blues

I think this is quite normal, and exacerbated in your case by not being well. The effort you put in to get through your event will have taken a lot of energy out of you.
Be kind to yourself. You've done well to get out today. Keep next week "easy" and give yourself time to recover from both the event and the illness.
Ok that makes sense, I just felt like I was being a lightweight! I plan to have a longer slower run on Thursday so a few rest days in between. Then I need to plan what to do next! I may have a 10k beginning of July if I can do lap one with the small person for her 5k and then carry on to lap 2 myself for the 10k. We will see!

I think that's entirely normal. Could you just take a few days off to regroup and recharge?
Yes I am run free now until Thursday to recharge.

I agree, this is most likely due to you having not been well. I am sure you will bounce back once you are properly over your virus. Take care.🙂
Thank you, yes I forget that I my immune system have been fighting its own battle as well as the increased training prior to the event. Things with the school have escalated with a hearing date soon so that is added stress, sometimes helping my running but sometimes inhibitory!
I ran my first Half Marathon in March and a few weeks later went down with a virus which I just couldn't shake off and eventually turned in to secondary infection (antibiotics etc). I felt as though my immune system was a bit shot to pieces to be honest! I don't know if all the training I did for the HM was a contributory factor or not, maybe the truth is more likely a combination of factors - but I am feeling stronger in my running again now (apart from a stiff back which is making me a bit slow at the moment!). I think we do get plateaus and dips in performance for a variety of reasons. Maybe that makes us ease up a bit sometimes, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Hope your stresses settle soon.🙂x

Yes it is normal and it's post race anti climax.
I feel after Sunday's triumph against the 50/50 odds that I have well and truly hit the ground with a crash. My Itab came for my medal today which is nice.

Yes, I find it takes a bit of effort to go for a run again. Being run down anyway won't make that easier. Put your feet up for a few more days.
Trainers are hanging up til Thursday so a few days off.

Rest and regroup.... be kind to yourself... you're worth it xxxx
Thank you, it is easy to forget kindness to yourself.