Today, I was reminded once again by my doctor/oncologist to think seriously about getting my ovaries taken out. I am very strong and I do not want to ever go against what a doctor would recommend, especially when it is in my own interest. I want to live a cancer free life. But what sacrifices a woman has to make to stay alive and be the woman her child and husband and others want to be... it is unimaginable for a lot of people who do not even know what Breast Cancer is. Things that you identify with when you are actually growing up and learning to appreciate as you are becoming a woman are the very things that may kill you!! But once you know what you are beyond your vanity and cosmetic appearance is what really makes you a woman. Your strength, your tolerance, your patience, your courage and the love of your loved ones and their support and positive attitude makes you the real woman!
Since I am a real woman, I will make sure that I heed to my doctor's warning and do the necessary as soon as my other test (that of being a studious and accomplished woman) is over with
I will complete my Masters next year and then helloooooo LIFE without cancer worries!!!