My mother will be going through first chemo today (weekly -12 chemos)(Abraxan + herclone ). Any precautions to be taken/any advise on how to handle the chemo. Diet/side effects /precautions etc
1st chemo: My mother will be going... - Breast Cancer India
1st chemo

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Hope your mother has a tolerable chemo journey. Herclon usually does not have the side effects of chemo but there could be allergic reactions at the time of infusion like fever and chills etc. Usually a paracetemol tablet is given prior to the infusion. It is associated with cardiotoxicity so 2D echo is taken before and after. Abraxane is a chemo drug and there could be side effects like nausea, vomiting,hair loss, constipation,diarhea, fatigue, low blood counts, neuropathy, body ache etc. But do not be very worried the weekly regimen causes fewer side effects. She may get only a few or may be none at all and they will go away once the chemo is over. Your hospital would have given sos medication for all this. As far as diet is concerned it depends on her appetite. A balanced diet is all that is recommended. Since the immune system is weak avoid raw vegetables and fruits and crowded places. She should have plenty of water. Her blood counts will be taken before each infusion.
once she has started and she gets any side effect pl post and there will be lots of people to help you. Take care.
One must take plenty of rest. Iron rich diet is important. Take frequent small meals since the digestion becomes weak. Don't lose the will power and be positive.