I was working on the statistics page of my website, and I thought I must share this image here, as it reflects the present scenario.
According to Globocan 2012 ( globocan.iarc.fr/ ), more than 70,000 women died of breast cancer in India in the year 2012, which is the highest, for that year, in the world. Second is China (47,000) and Third is US (43,000). Even though both these countries have much more women suffering from breast cancer (than India), their death rate is not as high (as India). The reason? Most women here present in a fairly late stage; either because of their lack of awareness, or, in many cases, their doctor's lack of awareness.
Also, the way Indian graph (on number of breast cancer cases every year, and number of deaths from same every year) is rising, no other country has as rapid a rate in rise as has India. The time to act is NOW. There is lot of media focus on breast cancer, lots of pink walks and awareness stuff; but how many women actually follow after all these efforts? We need to be more aggressive on this front. Most doctors do not spend time on awareness and neither does government (Our government health authorities are too busy pulling each others pants).
So can we get these numbers of women dying from breast cancer, to be much lesser?
Yes, We very well can!!
How can we get them down?
Just one word - 'Awareness'
So who does the awareness? Where does this awareness start?
It starts with ME and YOU.
And what is needed for this 'awareness'?
'Awareness' means, being aware about the symptoms of breast cancer and ACTIVELY looking for it even if there are no symptoms. Even if a woman does not go for screening mammography, it's fine, no problem. But at least be aware of painless lumps and how to look for them. That's really all that matters.
I will soon be posting relevant topics on early detection, as also on other topics like how to look forward after completing treatment on breast cancer, how to cope up with treatment for those who are undergoing it etc.
And of course, I can't do it without you all. Please be a part of it.