Dummy run today!!: Hi All.  Seeing my... - My Breast Cancer ...

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Dummy run today!!

31 Replies

Hi All.  Seeing my oncologist and radio therapists today for my "dummy run".  Told I will have freckle looking tattoos!  

I hope you all had a very Good Easter and that you continue with good health 


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31 Replies
Jennymary profile image

Good luck Marilyn x

in reply to Jennymary

Thank you.  Not feeling too bad but it's still into the unknown even though I've been nursing for 33 years, this was never part of my remit, always theatre, surgery and endoscopy.  The old adage "a little knowledge is not a good thing" and trying to read everything makes the brain boggle!!

Still get this over which should be easy! Then start radiotherapy on the 20th April for 3 weeks

Thanks for reading, replying and caring.  It really does help doesn't it.  Well I'm off now to see the man!!

in reply to Jennymary

Thank you. Speak later. M

Sandy108 profile image

Good luck with it all xx

in reply to Sandy108

Hi, it was all pretty easy. Been tattooed!! Bone density scan next.  Thanks for caring.  You take care,  m

Nixh profile image

Good luck, it's not that bad and my tattoos are tiny just keep looking after that skin! Moo goo udder cream was the best for me xx

in reply to Nixh

Hi nixh,  it was pretty easy and un eventful really. Sternal tattoo was the worst, had a trainee who didn't go deep enough after inking, did it again deeper, then I didn't stop bleeding for a bit!,   She was mortified , but she had to learn so it was a good experience for her!!

Never heard of that cream before!

You take care.  M

Lainey66 profile image
Lainey66 in reply to

Ohhh I have this coming up in few weeks. I was told about the dotted tattoos. Having had a double mastectomy will make that tattoo needle close to the bone. I'm down for 25 sessions with CMF chemo on days 1 and 8 of radiotherapy. I'm a little nervous of the possible heart and lung damage but have to brush that to the back of my mind all the best with yours. I have one A&C chemo to go then a five week break Before the final dashboard the finishing line good luck x

in reply to Lainey66

Steady there girlie, I had a newbie trainee hopefully you won't. It is literally just a scratch and yes it may make you catch your breath but then it's over.  Sorry if I made it sound bad, it wasn't just unusual!!!!  Have a lovely weekend. Marilyn

Nixh profile image
Nixh in reply to

Oh no poor you (and poor trainee😳) Hope it's stopped bleeding now! 

I know it sounds weird but I found the whole radiotherapy treatment relaxing just the travelling was stressful!  

The Moo goo cream was recommended on a forum somewhere but is brill. It's an Aussie company but they have a uk website. I use their aluminium free deodorant too just google Moo goo udder cream and you'll find it. I didn't peel at all and the skin wasn't really pink like I expected. I had a few shooting pains under my arm, by my lymph node scar and the edge of my implant but ibuprofen worked a treat, just look after yourself and drink as much as you can (not alcohol unfortunately just water etc ... but a glass of wine is ok though and thoroughly recommended! 😋) 

All the best,

Nix X

in reply to Nixh

Will definitely have a look at the web site for it. Actually as you say, in a weird way I'm looking forward to rt - to get it over and done with. Can't be doing with a lot of waiting around probably something to do with being an ex nurse!!

Drinking never been really good at that whether it's tea, coffee, squash, water or alcohol so that's a challenge already. Never really had time to pee when nursing so that "training" has never been lost!!! Have a great weekend. Marilyn

biddenden_sue profile image

Yes they tattoo a few dots around the area to help align the equipment each time using lazer lines. You need to learn to lie perfectly still. Any movement could cause the radiotherapy to damage your heart or lungs. Other than that, it's a doddle after chemo. x

in reply to biddenden_sue

Yep that's exactly what they said.  Thx. Take care. M

Good luck. I am a few weeks behind you as still waiting for Seroma to clear before starting radiotherapy (6 weeks post mastectomy) so can appreciate your apprehension but I have been assured it is fairly mild compared to chemotherapy, fatigue being one of the most significant side effects.

 Sending you happy vibes. X

in reply to

Hi, I've been lucky all through healing process, very extensive bruising now gone but boob looks as though there's more to make its way to the surface. It has been hot but no infection or seroma.  A couple of my mates have gone through it too and they say rt was a doddle though they did have fatigue for a while so who knows.  We're all different and react differently, what will be will be.

Thanks for taking the time to reply, for caring and offering advice.  Much appreciated.  You take care and I hope things go well for you.  M

Angela21 profile image
Angela21 in reply to

Getting the radio is no problem. The first two weeks you wonder if it's doing anything. Keep your skin well creamed up. I had a few burn spots and was tender for a while. Fatigue can still be a problem after three months but getting used to it. Just short rests when necessary. Good luck 

in reply to Angela21

Will do Angela. Thanks. M

Batey60 profile image

Good luck Marilyn I'm waiting for my appointment to see oncologist and to start my radiotherapy x

in reply to Batey60

Hi Batey,  my oncologist is a very softly spoken gentleman who has a good manner but an odd sense of humour! However he's sorting me out and the rt girls are great so all I have to do is lie still and do as I'm told!!

Thanks for your reply. Take care.  Hope you're appt is as fuss free as mine was. M

Batey60 profile image
Batey60 in reply to

Thanks Marilyn I will let you know x

Abcdefghijkl60 profile image

Good luck 🙋

in reply to Abcdefghijkl60

Hi.  Alls well.  Bone density scan next then start rt.  You take care and keep positive. M

Mell profile image

Good luck Marilyn. The tattoos aren't that bad I have 3 tiny black dots in a row on the outside of each breast and in the middle just so they can line the equipment up each time. You soon get used to the routine of going each day. At my hospital they suggested wearing a spaghetti strap t shirt with no bra so I just had to take my jumper off and slip my arms out of the t shirt so it was a boob tube. When I'd got myself on the table they used to just pull the t shirt down to my waist for the treatment. This saved a lot of time for everyone. I also used Superdrug Aqueous Cream to moisturise, a big tub costs about £4 and if you put it in the fridge it's lovely and cooling especially because your skin starts to heat up a bit after treatment no 7. I've got my post treatment review in April so a bit further on than you. Good luck you will be fine it's not as scary as you might think, I too am a nurse/midwife of 35 yrs 😃. Let us know how you go. X

in reply to Mell

Hi Mell, thx for your advice.  Will certainly find a strappy top, that sounds so easy!,  as for creams been advised so many my mind is boggling!! Sticking it in the fridge sounds good too.  I'm fair skinned so have been warned about "sunburn" so anything cool will be good.  Good luck for your review in April. It's a bit tough when you end up on the other side isn't it?  You know some but then as it's not your remit you don't know but if you've been a nurse some people assume you should know!,

Will keep in contact.  Take care.  Marilyn

Mell profile image
Mell in reply to

Yes it's a bit of a Busman's holiday with a difference! I too am fair skinned and normally wear factor 50 in the sun. I found that around treatment 7 my skin went a bit pink and felt warm afterwards and this  seemed to come on quicker each time then to the point where by the last 2-3 it was permanently pink like sunburn. Clothes can chafe which can make it sore and because your skins drying out you get a bit itchy so I can't emphasise moisturising enough. When you've finished treatment the heat continues to come out like sunburn for about 2 weeks especially at night I found so used to wake up drenched with sweat from chest up to hair 😩. Then about 10 days after I'd finished I found blisters in my armpit and my nipple got very blistered nod very sore but my breast care nurse was brilliant and sorted that by giving me non stick dressings for axilla when the blisters popped. They took about a week to dry up and heal. Hope that hasn't scared you, just want to to be watchful if you're as fair as I am. Also don't used any perfumed products on skin, they told me to just use products from Simple range like shower gel etc and I've now found a Simple deodorant that I only use if I'm going out/working. Hope this helps 😃

in reply to Mell

Hi,  have bought some simple products and some new strappy tops, so good to go!!!  

I, too, use factor 50

What will be will be.  Journey of new experiences and solutions being the knowledge to pass on to others just like you have done and will still do.  Thank you for that.  Have a good weekend.  Marilyn

Mell profile image
Mell in reply to

No problem hunny. Keep us posted with how it goes x

MJAP profile image

Hi all,

I had my second Radiotherapy today, it was okay but goodness the bed is very hard! The equipment is incredibly high tech and makes you feel lucky in a way that we have access to this sort of help. I will be going tomorrow and then will have the weekend free so will keep you all posted. Thank you all for your suport xxx

in reply to MJAP

We are all lucky to have the support from all sources.  Enjoy your weekend. :)

Valerie68 profile image

Hi Marylin, I had radiotherapy in sept 2015 to both breasts ( 25 sessions) this was after bilateral lumpectomys and 6 rounds of AC chemo. My skin was fine , I followed my oncologists instructions and he told me to only use simple soap , no deodorant and lashings of aqueous cream each day after treatment . I used to shower before treatment each morning with simple soap and I thankfully didn't have any burns . Xxx 

in reply to Valerie68

My daughter has bought me some Simple products, so well prepared and loads of aqueous!!  Thanks. Enjoy your weekend. M

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